
Monday, May 13, 2013

Govt-funded projects in Kasempa to resume after probe
By Sheila Masuwa in Kasempa
Sun 12 May 2013, 14:00 CAT

LOCAL government minister Forrie Tembo says no projects will be funded in Kasempa until investigations are conducted on some government-funded projects that have stalled since 2010.

Tembo has since directed Kasempa District council secretary Patson Kapoba to conduct investigations into the poor standard of ten low-cost houses and the Revenue Hall projects undertaken by the local authority.

He expressed disappointment at the poor structures and condemned the buildings, attributing the situation to mismanagement of government funds by some council staff.

Among the projects visited was the ten low-cost houses project that has already gobbled K700 million but whose works have stalled since 2010, and the construction of Muselepete market which received K100 million in 2011.

Tembo also recommended the suspension of some council officers who are allegedly involved in mismanagement of government money to pave way for investigations.

"I can assure you that as long as the culprits are still in those offices, they will start losing documents which would make it difficult for the security people to investigate," he said.

Tembo, who is also Nyimba member of parliament, wondered why his constituency managed to construct ten low-cost housing units with the same amount of money while Kasempa failed to finish the project.
He said people often lose confidence in the local authority once government money had been misappropriated and called on Kapoba to correct the situation by ensuring that his name was not dragged into the matter.

"I know one culprit is in Kawambwa and he was called to come here but refused which to us we take as being guilty," charged Tembo.
And Kapoba explained that the ten low-cost houses had stalled since 2010 because the government had not yet released the final tranche of K300 million as the total project amount was K1 billion.

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