
Monday, May 13, 2013

Govt not for selfish people: VP Mujuru
Sunday, 12 May 2013 00:00
Michael Chideme in Mutare

Taking no prisoners . . . Vice-President Mujuru blasts retrogressive political parties that are stalling progress at Chisumbanje Ethanol Plant while officially closing the third biennial Zimbabwe Local Government Conference in Mutare yesterday

Vice-President Mujuru has branded those resisting the reopening of the Chisumbanje Ethanol Plant in Chipinge as number one enemies of the people. Officially closing the third biennial Zimbabwe Local Government Conference here yesterday, Cde Mujuru said the people of Chipinge were suffering because of individuals who are jealous that the project is the brain-child of Zanu-PF.

In apparent reference to the MDC-T, Cde Mujuru said the party was scoring own goals because the people in the area were suffering.

“There is no scoring points when the people are suffering. There should be no politics that destroys the people.

“Do not stop the project because it is being spearheaded by Zanu-PF,” she said. Cde Mujuru said it was unfortunate that the MDC-T had decided to fight the project at the expense of thousands of families that directly benefit from the operation of the plant. The plant has been closed for the past 14 months, rendering workers redundant and causing the suffering of their families.

The Vice-President implored Zilga to fight in the corner of Zanu-PF and progressive elements in Government who want to see the project succeed.

“I am eating sadza at my house.

“Kana mhuka inonzi Zanu-PF iriko (Zanu-PF also exists). It is also eating, but the people in Chisumbanje are suffering,” she said.

She also urged the various councils that attended the conference to initiate similar projects in their areas but warned that jealous people in Government may frustrate their projects. Cde Mujuru said delays in opening the plant affected irrigation, resulting in sugar-cane and maize being destroyed. She urged delegates to the conference to implement what they learnt, adding that their respective constituencies expected them to ably execute their mandate.

“We need to be innovative, as the theme of this year states, in order to satisfy their demands. Your duty as local authorities is to ensure the provision of such services to the people at affordable rates,” she said.

Vice-President Mujuru also encouraged local authorities to ensure the country’s roads are in good condition ahead of the harmonised elections to allow for easy access to all areas and to afford all prospective voters the chance to cast their ballots.

The conference deliberated on a number of issues, key among them service delivery and the welfare of councillors. Local authorities want to be exempted from paying road toll fees, arguing that they are planning authorities. Delegates called for an end to intra-party violence and also acknowledged the importance of community share ownership schemes.

They were, however, unhappy about the slow pace at which the schemes were being operationalised.

The conference was attended by Government ministers, chiefs, mayors, town clerks, chief executive officers, councillors and captains of industry.

President Mugabe officially opened the conference on Friday.

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