
Monday, June 03, 2013


Diversify staple foods
By Chris Shanda, Lusaka
Mon 27 May 2013, 14:00 CAT

I write to agree with the Zambian Vision Foundation President, Chilufya Luchembe that as a nation, we should diversify our staple foods to include others such as rice, sorghum and cassava.

In fact, these foods are already being consumed in many regions of Zambia. The exclusive consumption of nshima is only done because many Zambians feel that eating sorghum or cassava would lower their standing in society.

With regard to rice, many Zambians consider it alien and not befitting full-meal status, yet we have plenty of rice being grown in Western, Luapula and Northern provinces of Zambia.

Other foods such as Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes are also grown in abundance such that the change in eating patterns and adoption of these foods in our daily diets would reduce the demand on maize to a point where it would not be necessary to buy a whole 25kg bag of mealie-meal just to ensure household food security when rice, cassava, sorghum, potatoes and even bread can take the place of maize.

Our major problem also is lack of diverse cuisine.

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