
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Knives out for Gono as police guards withdrawn
10/06/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

COMMENT - This is mainly gossip, leading up to the 2013 elections. - MrK

ZANU PF hardliners have twisted the knife on Reserve Bank governor Gideon Gono by withdrawing his police security from his home.

Gono is under pressure from hawkish Zanu PF elements in the politburo, the army and police who fear his public opposition to indigenisation is undermining the party’s electoral chances.

The central bank chief was labelled a “house nigger” by Jonathan Moyo, who is charged with drawing up the party’s election manifesto, and bad blood exists between Gono and Indigenisation Minister Saviour Kasukuwere.

It has since emerged that Gono, who will leave office in November at the expiry of his second and final term, has been stripped of his 24-hour police protection at his home – it is believed on the instructions of Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri.

Gono retains his Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) protection, but his plush Borrowdale home is now guarded by private security.

The central bank chief raised the withdrawal of his police protection with President Robert Mugabe but was told that it was an issue for Chihuri, presidential spokesman George Charamba confirmed.

Gono was philosophical on Sunday when asked about the matter. He told the Standard newspaper that “permanent and unbreakable refuge, security and protection is found in God not man”.
But aides say Gono fears his Zanu PF opponents are sending him a message to ease up on his criticism of indigenisation.

Zanu PF strategists are furious with Gono for allegedly threatening the party’s electoral chances with his opposition to indigenisation – a major manifesto issue for the party ahead of general elections next month.

Gono has pegged Kasukuwere back by blocking the transfer of controlling stakes in foreign-owned banks by locals in line with the indigenisation law while also alleging industrial scale corruption in the form of huge pay-outs to brokerage firm, Brainworks, which was involved in the indigenisation deals for Unki, Zimplats and Mimosa mines.

New understands Gono has been privately warned by his Zanu PF opponents that they will “deal with him” after elections which they hope to win, but the withdrawal of the security detail suggests the backlash is already underway.

It is an ironic fate for Gono who for four years since 2008 faced demands from the MDC-T to be removed from his job. He came to be known as an “outstanding issue” as the MDC-T tried to get him and other senior civil servants axed – but Gono survived with the protection of Mugabe and Zanu PF.

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