
Monday, June 17, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE, REUTERS) Anti-Mugabe hackers attack ANC website
14/06/2013 00:00:00
by Reuters

HACKERS opposed to President Robert Mugabe took out the website of the African National Congress (ANC) on Friday, accusing South Africa's ruling party of a corrupt and blood-stained relationship with the Zimbabwean leader.

The group also said it had successfully attacked the website of Zimbabwe's Ministry of Defence "for the genocide slaughter of 20,000 Ndebele people".

Or milk a tragedy for all it is worth. And of course, the 20,000 number (recently it was 30,000), is an inflated propaganda number that has no basis in research. - MrK

"Ladies and gentlemen and secret agents. today we shall be hitting one of the biggest enablers of the mass murdering mugabe. the ANC in 50 min," Anonymous Africa said on its Twitter feed, @zim4thewin, shortly before the ANC website went down.

'The mass murdering Mugabe'? Who has 'Mugabe' mass murdered in the 20th century? Or the 1990s? Or even the 1980s? There is are truckloads of evidence that the manipulation by South Africa and Rhodesians is at the center of the Gukurahundi affair, right upto colonels Mueller and Breytenbach. Read: REPORT ON THE 1980’s DISTURBANCES IN MATABELELAND & THE MIDLANDS Compiled by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe, March 1997. and search for the phrase: Super ZAPU. - MrK

Human rights groups say Mugabe's forces killed as many as 20,000 people in an early 1980s crackdown on dissidents in the western provinces of the country, home mostly to the Ndebele minority tribe. Some say Mugabe should stand trial for genocide.

Some say your sources suck. - MrK

In an interview on South African television this month, Mugabe admitted the Ndebele crackdown was "very bad" but blamed it on soldiers who disobeyed orders.

Tensions inside Zimbabwe and between Harare and Pretoria are running high the day after Mugabe declared an election on July 31, to the anger of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party.

Tsvangirai said Mugabe's "unilateral" declaration of an election date broke a power-sharing agreement signed after violent and disputed polls in 2008, and accused the veteran leader of trying to cause a constitutional crisis.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC), which helped broker the 2008 deal between Mugabe and Tsvangirai, is due to meet in Mozambique on Saturday to discuss the election.

Top of the agenda is how to come up with funds for the vote, although the controversy surrounding the date is also certain to feature. Mugabe argues that he is merely following a constitutional court order to hold the vote by the end of July.

The ANC denied taking sides between Mugabe and Tsvangirai and said its mediation since 2008, along with that of the rest of the region, had helped produce a new Zimbabwean constitution, overwhelmingly approved in March in a referendum.

"The African National Congress will not be deterred nor derailed in the efforts to assist, where requested, in Zimbabwe or elsewhere on the continent," it said in a statement.

Zimbabwe's Ministry of Defence declined to comment and its website was working after Anonymous Africa said it had ended its attack.

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