
Monday, June 17, 2013

Quality education essential to development - ZANEC

By Allan Mulenga
Sat 15 June 2013, 14:00 CAT

QUALITY education is essential to national development, says ZANEC.

Commenting on Lunte MMD member of parliament Felix Mutati's statement that the current education system in the country which is focused on quantity does not respond to the development challenges the country is facing, Zambia National Education Coalition board chairperson Hilary Chipango urged all Zambians to embrace quality education.

Chipango said continuous teacher education and adequate educational facilities were important to the realisation of quality education.

"Our concern as Zambians is to see that we develop an education system that will emphasise on quality. Quality education is cardinal and there are so many stakeholders involved in the production of quality education," he said.

"Quality education involves a lot of issues that go with that. We are talking about having quality teachers trained professionally to teach our learners and also for us to produce quality graduates. We need to have learning and teaching materials in place because these are the major factors that will enable us attain quality education as a country."

Chipango said there was need for a shift from quantity to quality education, if the nation was to develop.

"We need to shift the focus on quality of the people we are going to produce through the education system that we are providing. It is important that all Zambians should embrace the aspect of quality education," he said.

He said there was need to provide necessary educational facilities in institutions of learning.

"The government has a major role in the whole setup of ensuring that we provide quality education. Teachers should be sponsored for further studies because this will promote quality education. The government should ensure that there is proper teacher training in colleges and universities. There is need to ensure that teachers are well-equipped when they come out of training institutions," said Chipango.

Last week, Mutati said there need for the government to shift from focusing on quantity to quality education.

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