
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rupiah wanted to cling on to power - Kabimba
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 11 June 2013, 14:01 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba says Rupiah Banda, as Republican president, abused public resources and wanted to cling on to power. And Kabimba says the fight between good and evil will not spare the PF.

In an interview, Kabimba, the ruling party's secretary general and justice minister, said Banda in his three-year tenure of office enriched himself and his family at the expense of the poor.

"Mr Rupiah Banda had become another Suharto (former Indonesian president) who didn't see the difference between Indonesia as a state and his family with a group of his children and not the people. People cried about this (corruption) culture and the international media that is vilifying President Sata was in existence and saw nothing wrong in that culture. We were not voted into office by foreign citizens but by the Zambian people and we shall serve them to the best of our abilities," Kabimba said.

And Kabimba said he was not surprised that the corrupt would fight him and others that had resolved to cleanse the country of corruption.

"Those that are disloyal both to the party and His Excellency the President must realise that he will not exchange loyalty for the party against disloyalty and decide to choose the latter; there is no compromise between the two. This is a war between right and wrong, it's a natural course of how the world is structured and PF is not an exception to that war. We are not surprised that the corrupt will fight back," Kabimba said in an interview.

"Our party represents the majority of the Zambian people. The turncoats cannot govern because they change colour like lights in a disco house. Our responsibility is to serve the people of Zambia and see to it that the 20 years of development we lost under MMD is covered and covered quickly."

Kabimba said life expectancy in Zambia under the MMD had dropped from 60 to 37 years.

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