
Monday, June 17, 2013

Siavonga cops arrest tourist for shooting at fishing rig
By Snike Mzulah in Siavonga
Thu 13 June 2013, 14:00 CAT

POLICE in Siavonga have arrested a tourist for allegedly firing shots at a fishing rig on Lake Kariba. Dan Benani, a Lebanese tourist from Lusaka, was arrested on Monday at Kariba store checkpoint.

Siavonga district commissioner Brave Mweetwa confirmed the development and said the incident occurred on Saturday around 21:00 hours.

"I can confirm that on Saturday night around 21:00 hours, there was a kapenta fishing rig near the house where this man was lodging. He was not comfortable with a presence of the rig. So he used his boat to go and approach the fishermen on a rig to move a bit further because it was making noise for the children who wanted to sleep. So the rig couldn't move because the engine had a problem and needed to be pulled. But the fishermen continued fishing," said Mweetwa.

He said that after sometime, Benani who was angry went back driving his boat carrying a pistol and shot at a rig's lighting system although no one was injured among the fishermen.

Mweetwa, however, said he was impressed with the police for the action they took after the matter was reported to them.

Meanwhile, Mweetwa said it was sad that the matter was latter withdrawn by the complainant, the owner of the rig.

He said the police worked hard over the matter but the problem was the complainant who allegedly claimed money so that the case could be withdrawn.

"I cannot confirm whether the firearm was confiscated or not because I don't have that information yet," said Mweetwa.

Benani, who spent about five minutes in police cells, was released after Chalwe withdrew the case.

The fishing rig which had four men on board was a few metres away from the coast when it was shot at by Benani.

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