
Monday, July 22, 2013

Chilipamushi lauds govt road development project
By Kabanda Chulu
Fri 12 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

GOVERNMENT's approach to develop infrastructure projects such as roads will result in massive job creation, says Davidson Chilipamushi.

Commenting on the statement by Standard Chartered Bank group executive director-wholesale Mike Rees that many African countries were recording strong economic performance but experiencing 'jobless growth', Chilipamushi called for increased allocation of resources to sectors that could accelerate economic growth to result into tangible benefits.

"Apart from Asia, Africa is the fastest region that is recording strong economic growth but this is not being translated into improved standards of living because we allocate few resources to sectors that can create jobs and also many people do not have access to basic requirements like health, education, among other things," Chilipamushi said.

"However, I am impressed the PF government's approach to develop infrastructure especially roads will open up the country, improve livelihoods and create several jobs."

He said raw materials would always attract lower prices compared to finished products.

"This is why we need to add value to our produce because international trade can be an avenue to reducing poverty. We also need to address this negative trend where agricultural produce, for instance, tobacco, cotton, coffee and other crops are being exported not by farmers but companies that engage in contract farming thereby resulting in increased poverty since real income does not reach these farmers. So in a way international trade doesn't benefit our people," said Chilipamushi, who is former School of Business lecturer at the Copperbelt University.

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