
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Full Text: Zanu-PF Manifesto 2013
This article was written by Our reporter on 7 July, at 00 : 01 AM

This People’s Manifesto of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu PF) for the 2013 harmonised elections comes against the background of the enduring and unforgettable fact that it is Zanu PF which liberated Zimbabwe after prosecuting a heroic
armed struggle.

It was this people’s resort to the bullet that won Zimbabweans the right to the ballot that everyone enjoys today as a legacy of our liberation struggle.

That legacy permanently connects past, present and future generations of this nation with one another. It is a legacy that we all own as Zimbabweans. Accordingly, this People’s Manifesto is a solemn call from the fallen and living heroes of our liberation struggle, indeed from the wailing bones that lie in many places known and others yet to be discovered, for every Zimbabwean to patriotically cherish and jealously guard the gains of our heroic liberation struggle.

The essence of Zanu PF’s ideology is to economically empower the indigenous people of Zimbabwe by enabling them to fully own their country’s God-given natural resources and the means of production to unlock or create value from those resources. Through our deliberate socio-economic policies and achievements since our heroic independence, we have laid a firm foundation for the attainment of this strategic goal. Notably, our achievements have been blighted since 1999 by the twin evils of regime change and the illegal economic sanctions. And the last five years of the awkward GPA government have exerted the greatest toll on the people’s aspirations.

Our People’s Manifesto provides the ways and means out of the quagmire created by the above obstacles to enable us to work together as Team Zanu PF to put our national development back on its revolutionary path. The ways and means in the Manifesto are anchored on Zanu PF’s policy of Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, which seeks to enforce the transfer to local entities of at least 51 percent controlling equity in all existing foreign owned businesses. Over and above this, the policy is to empower indigenous entities to hold 100 percent of equity to start up or take over strategic enterprises across the economy, especially in key sectors such as mining, tourism and agriculture.

The targeted equity threshold recognises Zimbabwe’s total ownership of all its natural resources as an expression of our national sovereignty. This policy will create dignified employment especially for the youth, distribute wealth amongst citizens more equitably, cause a general improvement in the quality of life of every Zimbabwean and bring about sustainable national development which is homegrown. In response to widespread concerns and expectations that ordinary people should be the primary beneficiaries of the policy of Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, the next Zanu PF Government will put in place robust measures to ensure an even more transparent, accountable, tangible and measurable implementation matrix in the national interest.

It is therefore the national duty of each and every one of us – young or old – to go out in our historic numbers to vote for Zanu PF in the forthcoming elections.

We must vote as Team Zanu PF regardless of our divergent political affiliations because Zanu PF is your Party which can guarantee you a secure future as the country’s liberator.

Zanu PF is the Party of our collective national aspirations. As we campaign for our Party, and when and after we vote, each and every one of us must draw inspiration from the eternal words bequeathed us by our beloved late Vice-President John Landa Nkomo that, “Peace begins with Me; Peace begins with You; Peace begins with all of Us”.

Let us go and vote in peace for Zanu PF and be the true masters of our God-given natural resources and our own destiny.

Pamberi neZanu PF!
Pamberi neIndigenisation!
Pamberi neEmpowerment!
Pamberi nekuhwina maElections!
Phambili leZanu PF!
Phambili leIndeginisation!
Phambili leEmpowerment!
Phambili lokuwina amaElections!



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