
Monday, July 08, 2013

Kunda can't add value to PF - Chali
By Isaac Zulu in Kabwe
Wed 03 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

HOWARD Kunda cannot add any value to Patriotic Front, says Central Province PF chairman Benson Chali.
And Central Province PF treasurer Louis Chikoka says Kunda is not a factor in Zambian politics.

Commenting on Kunda's statement that he would only join the ruling PF if he were given the position of Vice-President of the Republic of Zambia, Chali said the PF would only give positions to politicians that would add value to the ruling party.

"We recently had two by-elections in his constituency, namely Chibale and Masaninga wards, and Howard Kunda and his MMD performed badly in those by-elections," explained Chali. "That shows you that he is a politician without value. The PF can only give positions to politicians that will come and add value to the Patriotic Front. But Howard Kunda cannot add value to the PF. Even at ward level, the PF would beat him."
And Chikoka said that Howard was not a factor in Zambian politics.
"Who does Howard Kunda think he is?" wondered Chikoka in an interview. "Howard Kunda is not a factor in Zambian politics. He won the Muchinga Constituency seat through a sympathy vote."
Chikoka advised Kunda not to ride on his late father's fortunes.
"He thinks just because his late father was vice-president, then he can also become vice-president of the Republic of Zambia!" Chikoka said. "This is not a monarchy. If he thinks this country is a chiefdom, then he is dreaming."
He said Kunda needed orientation in politics.

"This young man needs extra lessons in politics. He needs orientation in this field…he needs to be trained," Chikoka said. "And I would suggest that he picks on 'Bowas' Bowman Lusambo as his coach in politics. Lusambo will show him how we do politics."

Kunda recently stated on a privately-owned radio station that he would only defect from MMD to join PF on condition that he is given the position of Republican Vice-President because he was "beyond a deputy minister."

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