
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Leaders deserve respect - chieftainess Malembeka
By Fridah Nkonde
Fri 05 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS should not only support and encourage those holding influential positions but should also respect them, says chieftainess Malembeka of the Lamba people in Mpongwe district.

Commenting on Reformed Church of Zambia Chilenje Congregation Reverend Penias Mbewe's statement that Zambians should support and encourage people holding influential positions in the country, chieftainess Malembeka said leaders also deserved some respect.

"It is true that we need to support and encourage our leaders. But what we should not forget is that as Zambians, we should also respect our leaders because respect is part of our culture. If you fail to respect those holding influential positions, don't expect anyone to respect you when you become a leader," chieftainess Malembeka said.

"We should also support our leaders because if we do not give them the support that they need, it would be very difficult for them to work accordingly. And when our leaders are wrong, the best we thing to do is to sit them down and see the way forward. We should not be insulting our leaders. Insults are not part of our culture. We should always learn to offer solutions instead of condemning them,"
Chieftainess Malembeka said Zambia was a Christian nation, adding that there was need for people to respect one another.

In an interview last week, Rev Mbewe said every Zambian had a role to play in the development of the country.

"As Zambians, we need to continue praying, supporting and encouraging our leaders. We should also try all means to offer solutions to the many problems that people are facing. We all know that each and every citizen expects so much from government, but we should also work hard and contribute to the economic development of the country," Rev Mbewe said.

"Leaders are also human and they can make mistakes. It is up to us as citizens, the Church and other organisations to talk to them and find solutions to some problems. It is up to us, the Zambians, to help government fulfil its promises."

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