
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nevers taking MMD nowhere - Scott
By Moses Kuwema in Mkushi
Mon 15 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott says the PF will continue ignoring UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema until he gets elected by his members. And Vice-President Scott says MMD president Nevers Mumba is taking his party nowhere.

Speaking during a public meeting at Nshinso Basic School on Saturday, Vice-President Scott said as far as the PF was concerned, Hichilema was appointed to the helm of UPND through a fake convention.

"As government, we will only start listening to HH when he gets elected by the UPND members; for now we will ignore him. He was appointed at a fake convention where people were intimidated with spears. So if he is properly elected, then we can start listening to him," said Vice-President Scott.

And Vice-President Scott said the PF government wanted to be remembered as great men and women and that was why they were working hard every day.

"We work seven days a week. We are working for you. If we were interested in money, by now we would have made a lot of money. So trust us and watch how we work," he said.

Vice-President Scott said the country was neglected for a very long time and that the PF was trying to get the grip at the helm of power.
He said in a democracy, people are supposed to vote for a party that takes development to them.

"If you are not satisfied with what we bring to you, then throw us out in 2016 but for now, give us a chance to work for you," he said.
Vice-President Scott said the culture of the PF was to fulfil its promises to the people.

"In 2016, we don't want to waste our time campaigning but to merely point at the various developmental projects that we would have done. Give us chance to work because it takes time to have people think like PF and by 2016, this will be the case," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice-President Scott said Mumba was taking the MMD nowhere.
He urged the people of Mkushi not to be misled by Mumba because his party had failed to run the country during the 20 years that it ruled.
Vice-President Scott also said the government would look into the issue of Mkushi council workers who had not been paid for four months.

And Vice-President Scott urged commercial farmers in Mkushi to abide by the law and pay their workers the minimum wage saying there were no separate laws for investors and for Zambians.

The Vice-President addressed meetings at Itala Foundation School and Nkolonga Basic School, among others.

Meanwhile, PF candidate in the July 25 by-election Ingrid Mphande said the campaigns had been very peaceful so far because people had realised the need to campaign transparently because of the recent nullifications of elections by the courts.

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