
Monday, July 22, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai vows to win ‘rigged’ elections
They can't be serious ... Biti, Chamisa and Tsvangirai discuss Zanu PF's election manifesto
11/07/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

MDC-T leader and outgoing Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai told supporters Thursday that elections scheduled for the end of the month had already been rigged by Zanu PF but vowed to win regardless.

Tsvangirai was addressing hundreds of supporters at Neuso Business Centre in Mhondoro as he stepped up his campaign for the July 31 elections which will choose a substantive government to replace his uneasy coalition with President Robert Mugabe.

The rally was also attended by other top MDC-T officials including secretary general Tendai Biti and national organising secretary Nelson Chamisa.

“Although the MDC-T is assured of victory it is against a peaceful but a rigged election,” Tsvangirai said.

The MDC-T leader last week said he would participate in the elections with a “heavy heart” as he lamented the failure to force the implementation of key reforms that would help ensure a credible ballot.

The party has also expressed concern over the state of the voters roll as well as the manner in which the registration of voters was carried out ahead of the key vote.

Tsvangirai however, said the momentum for change after more than three decades of Zanu PF rule was irreversible.
“Everyone at the moment is craving for change and the time is now,” he said.

He promised supporters to restore “good governance” if elected into power as well as launch a crackdown against corruption which he claimed had been allowed to run rampant under Zanu PF leading to widespread suffering among ordinary people.

“The incoming MDC government will deal with the culture of impunity,” he said. “The people should be given freedom of association and choice.”

Outlining the party’s policies, Tsvangirai said an MDC-T government would move to revitalise the country’s struggling economy and create new jobs through the promotion of foreign direct investment.

The party would also launch a national housing programme to address the shortage of housing in both urban and rural areas as well as redevelop key infrastructure such as roads and railways which are in a state of near-disrepair due to neglect.

The MDC-T leader said funding for these projects would come from the country’s mineral resources such as diamonds which he claimed were currently being “looted by a few individuals in Zanu PF”.

On agriculture, Tsvangirai ruled out repossession of land already redistributed under the country’s land reforms but said the MDC-T would move to ensure the resource was utilised productively.

“The MDC-T government will not repossess land but we will encourage maximum utilisation that will see the creation of more jobs in the country,” he said.

Also addressing the gathering, Biti slammed the indigenisation programme which is being pushed by Zanu PF saying it was elitist and had only benefited a few individuals connected to Mugabe and his party.

“The MDC has an envisaged plan of action in place to improve the lives of the people of Zimbabwe. The MDC through its tenure in the inclusive government has shown that it has policies with the people at heart,” said Biti.

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