
Monday, July 08, 2013

PF working hard to create jobs - Sata

By Misheck Wangwe and Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Sun 30 June 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says the PF government is working extra hard to increase job opportunities as well as create national wealth.

And President Sata says a fully integrated global economy is central to government's policy of driving growth and poverty reduction.

In his message to showgoers and exhibitors at this year's 49th Zambia International Trade Fair (ZITF) in Ndola, President Sata, in a statement contained in the official trade fair catalogue, said the government is making serious efforts to enhance value addition to the rich natural resources which would ultimately accelerate industrial development.

President Sata said the agenda of enhancing industrial development entails that agriculture must be transformed together with manufacturing and mining into modern, dynamic and competitive sectors.

"We observe today not a victory of hosting the Trade Fair for so many years but a celebration that we provide a platform for organisations to interact, create business partnerships and promote trade and investment in mother Zambia," President Sata said.

He said this year's theme, 'Value addition through global partnerships', aims at cultivating on the synergies and partnerships that were created in 2012 in order for companies, both local and foreign, to benefit through meaningful partnerships, utilisation of resources and global opportunities.

President Sata said the government was implementing economic policies aimed at creating an enabling environment to stimulate private sector investment.

He said the government was hopeful that this year's trade fair would be successful and propel economic development.

"I therefore wish to appeal to both local and foreign exhibitors to cultivate on the synergies created and add value to them through creation of jobs and wealth in the country," President Sata said.
And in a speech read on his behalf at the official opening of the 49th Zambia International Trade Fair (ZITF) by Commerce minister Emmanuel Chenda, President Sata said diversifying the economy would be made possible through supplying of natural resources.

"Value addition to natural resources is crucial to achieving sustainable and balanced economic growth and employment creation. It is in this regard that we must take advantage of the potential for this in all sectors of the economy, with particular emphasis in the agricultural, tourism, mining and manufacturing sectors," he said.
President Sata said it was government's desire to promote high levels of investment through value addition which would increase total trade of goods and service.

He called on the trade fair board and management to redouble efforts in redeveloping the infrastructure and showcasing the latest innovations in products and services.

Zambia International Trade Fair chairman Emmanuel Hachipuka said there was great need to make a meaningful investment into Zambia Industrial and Commercial Show Society which at the moment had more liabilities than assets.

He said the Zambia Industrial and Commercial Show Society's cash flow could not cover its statutory obligation and strictly cannot replace any of its assets, putting the Zambia International Trade Fair at risk in terms of compliance to company law.

Hachipuka said Zambia needed to upgrade the infrastructure to that of other comparative countries, both in the region and beyond.
He said there was need to have a good children's play park and good halls that could be hired for other activities throughout the year in order to generate income.

Hachipuka said there was also need to erect a 5 Star Hotel and Conference Centre within the premises of the Trade Fair grounds.
And Chenda said value addition could ensure that resources exploited in the country create business opportunities, wealth and jobs for the citizens.

Chenda said scholars had estimated that value addition to raw materials raises its value by a minimum of 80 per cent.
He said every stage of the value chain creates opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs, wealth and employment for people.

Chenda said it was for this reason that the theme for this year's ZITF was of particular interest to government.

He said over the years, the government had structured its business and investment policies towards facilitating value addition to the country's resources.

Chenda said some of the key interventions included private sector reforms aimed at reducing the cost of doing business.

He said the government has also put in place fiscal incentives to make value addition attractive.

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