
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

'Poverty reduction needs concerted efforts'
By Fridah Nkonde
Mon 15 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

LADIES Circle Zambia president Charity Banage says it will be impossible for the country to reduce the levels of poverty if the private sector does not support the government.

In an interview yesterday, Banage said the levels of poverty in the country were very high, adding that there was need to do a lot to support those that were less fortunate.

"We as the Ladies Circle Zambia are overseeing a number of projects in the country because we want to ensure that we take the service to the public. We formed an association as a group of ladies to see what we can do to ensure that we reach out to the people. The first lady (Christine Kaseba) called on all corporate and private institution to help government to ensure that poverty levels are reduced, so we are trying all means to see what we can to do contribute to the reduction of poverty," Banage said.

She said the Ladies Circle Zambia was formed to assist the vulnerable because there were a lot of people in the country that needed help.
Banage said the passion that the ladies had was pushing them to help the vulnerable.

"Last year, we supported the Kansenshi prisons, we donated a number of items, including stoves, fridges to the women's ward. We also set up boreholes in Mandevu, we have constructed a TB shelter, we are looking at children with special needs at the University Teaching Hospital and we are also supporting House of Moses," she said.

And Banage said the Ladies Circle Zambia was expecting over 400 women to attend the Ladies Circle International Conference, which will take place in Lusaka next month.

"We need about K50,000 to host the conference but we have so far pumped in about K20,000 and we are asking the cooperating partners to help us," she said.

Meanwhile, briefing the media on the Ladies Circle International Conference, LCZ 2013 convener Priscilla Choonga said the conference would boost tourism in Zambia.

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