
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reconciliation holds nations together - Mutesa
By Henry Sinyangwe
Sat 06 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

DR FRED Mutesa says Nelson Mandela's truth and reconciliation efforts dealt with issues larger than corruption.

Commenting on Rupiah Banda's interview with Bloomberg News for a yet-to-be-published article where he urged leaders to emulate Mandela's reconciliatory and loving spirit, Dr Mutesa who is Zambians for Empowerment and Development president, said nations are held together when there is reconciliation among leaders.

"You look at South Africa today; it has largely been held together because of the magnanimity of Mr Mandela. We have a lot to learn from that great man. We can have political differences, but there is something larger than our individual differences," he said.

Dr Mutesa said what happened in South Africa during the apartheid era was worse than the corruption that had characterised the country.
"If you look at the South African model, the truth and reconciliation Commission dwelt with matters which were worse than even corruption cases, they were dealing with murder cases. So really, there is a picture bigger than our personal differences," said Dr Mutesa.

Asked if those seeking forgiveness should also admit their misdeeds, Dr Mutesa responded; "The point is Mr Banda has not been convicted of wrongdoing and therefore must be accorded the respect while the due process of the law takes its course."

Banda recently urged leaders to emulate Nelson Mandela's reconciliatory and loving spirit if the world is to become a better place to live in.
Banda observed that the former South African president's positive attitude after his release from prison in 1990 forestalled what could have become a crusade of vengeance against his jailers when he became that country's first black president in 1994.

Banda said Mandela was an embodiment of the qualities that any leader needed to help create a harmonious society.

He said in spite of all the suffering that Mandela and his African National Congress colleagues had endured at the hands of the apartheid regime, he never allowed the bitterness of the past to cloud his judgement when he became South African president

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