
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rupiah's vulgar language unacceptable - Chisala
By Moses Kuwema and Roy Habaalu
Sun 14 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

NORTHERN Province minister Obius Chisala says it is unacceptable for Rupiah Banda to use vulgar language.

Chisala, who is also Chilubi member of parliament, said the language used by Banda was not befitting a former head of state.

"Mr Banda as you know him since he served in the Kaunda government as minister, he has been just like that. He is a person who is fond of using vulgar language from way back but this is unacceptable for a former president," said Chisala in reference to Banda's vulgar language on the issue of his passport and knee problem at court on Wednesday Chisala said Banda, as a former president and a grandfather, was not supposed to use insults in public.

Banda on Wednesday turned to vulgar language on the issue of his passport and knee problem.

Banda said assertions that he had a knee problem were just a fantasy.
"I don't know about that, all I know is that they said I can apply for my diplomatic passport to be reinstated but I have no knee problem.
That is all what I want to say… kapena eve yake isaima (unless his which doesn't erect)," said Banda, without specifying who he was referring to and while wagging his index finger in front of him.
And Geoffrey Chuumbwe says the language used by Banda shows his true colours.

Chuumbwe, the PF Lusaka Province chairman, said Banda had pretended to be a good man when he was president of Zambia.

"In the first place, Rupiah Banda was not supposed to be president. He was not ready for the job. He became president by sheer default and all that time he was head of state, he was full of pretence and now he's showing his true colours. There is nothing surprising with his vulgar language. That's how the man is, he's like that," he said.

Chuumbwe said it was unfortunate that a former president had turned his anger on innocent journalists.

He said Banda should expend his energies on court cases as opposed to verbal attacks.

"In life you can pretend but only for a short time. When he was president, he was wearing a mask of a good man but now he's shown who he is and it's unfortunate for a man of his age because it sends a wrong signal to the young generation. I am sure we are in for more shocks as his trial continues," said Chuumbwe.

Last week after the court session, Banda, without being asked any question caught journalists unawares and started talking to himself about his knee.

"My knees are okay! My knees are okay! My knees are okay! That is just a fantasy," as journalists scrambled to get notes from Banda who doesn't usually give interviews after court sessions.

Banda's supporters heartily laughed at his remarks.
But Banda had complained recently about his leg.

"This leg is giving me pain, it started over the weekend," Banda said to his sympathisers as he disembarked from his official motor vehicle outside the court complex recently.

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