
Friday, July 12, 2013

(STICKY) (TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T embarassing behaviour in Kenya
This article was written by Our reporter on 11 July, at 04 : 11 AM

A PLAN by the Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Prime Minister Mr Morgan Tsvangirai to grab international attention through tantrums on Thursday in Kenya flopped spectacularly when it was exposed and resisted by alert organisers.

The plan, hatched around MDC-T youth leader Solomon Madzore (pictured) involved smuggling the regime change and security sector reforms agenda in an exchange programme for peace building for youth leaders from Zimbabwe and Kenya.

The event, organized by Silveira House has youth representatives from Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations.

Silveira House is an NGO founded in 1964 by the Jesuits in the person of Fr. John Dove.

According to sources who attended deliberations held at Chemchemi Ya Uzimba, a nunnery in Nairobi Kenya, MDC-T’s Madzore threw a fit after Zanu-PF politburo member and youth secretary general; Lesley Ncube was assigned by the Zimbabwean delegation to do closing remarks at the event.

Kudakwashe Munengiwa of the MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube was given the slot to make opening remarks. Seeing that, there was no slot for the MDC-T, which had, according to sources, a dossier on alleged Zanu-PF offenses; Madzore led his team outside the plenary discussions hoping to attract media attention.

“They walked out of the meeting room sloganeering and shouting. The scene was just unpleasant and annoyed the organizers.

“Such attitude and behaviour was unexpected and intolerable from a party that claims to be a party of excellence,” said a source.

When the MDC-T stunt was ignored, the party’s representatives decided to boycott meals and threatened to stay out the hotel – this annoyed the organizers, sources say.

Political parties from Kenya who were present are the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Forum for Restoration of Democracy (FORD), Amani Coalition and Jubille.

Jesuit priest, Father Fidelis Mukonori, who chaired the session, confirmed that there was chaos caused by the MDC-T delegation.

“There was a problem which started with the MDC-T protesting for a slot to make a presentation. The organizers handled the case.

“I am informed that the MDC-T delegation is on hunger strike and they have threatened to stay out of hotels, I am yet to get to the bottom of the matter,” said Fr Mukonori yesterday.

Former Kenyan Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, gave a lecture to the youths where he stressed how elections in Kenya were rigged.

He cried foul that nothing was done despite his party presenting 800m pages of evidence of vote rigging.

Madzore threw a tantrum after the MDC-T was denied a chance to give closing remarks to Raila Odinga’s lecture.

Odinga’s security personnel did not entertain the MDC-T’s stunts and quickly shoved them out of the room, said a source.

Contacted for comment via email, Madzore denied that they had any hunger strike but confirmed that they had problems with the event organizers.

“It is true that we registered some concern with the organisers of this exchange visit to Kenya, the Silveira House, as regards some treatment which we feel was uncalled for and depicted our movement as a junior partner and at the peripheries of the programme.

“We are yet to have a formal meeting and we expect an official apology from the organisers, failure of which the MDC-T Youth Assembly will be forced to distance itself from the same. I thank you,” he wrote on Friday.

On Friday the youths went to Eldoret a town which experienced the most election violence in Kenya.

When departing from there, MDC-T’s treasure general, Mukobwe Dube of Binga was left by the bus, sources say. He was latter rescued when a call was made to the bus driver to get him.


  1. (TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T defectors on a “two thousand man march”
    This article was written by Our reporter on 15 July, at 00 : 23 AM

    MORE than 2,000 MDC-T supporters in Chegutu West who recently defected to Zanu-PF held a march at the weekend in a show of support for President Mugabe ahead of the harmonised elections on July 31.

    The display dubbed: “The Two Thousand Man March”, was meant to introduce the defectors, who dumped MDC-T citing unclear empowerment strategies.

    The defectors surrendered their MDC-T regalia and membership cards to members of the Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial leadership and Chegutu West candidate Cde Dexter Nduna.

    The event saw Zanu-PF aspiring candidates who lost in national assembly and local authority primary elections pledging to work with the winners to ensure a resounding victory for the revolutionary party.

    The defectors in their testimonies said they had been promised a lot of empowerment programmes by the MDC-T since 1999, but nothing materialised.

    “I was the first MDC-T chairman in Chegutu district, but to date I have nothing to show that I am empowered. I am still, if not worse, the same person I was in 1999,” said Sylvester Guvheya.

    “We were at the forefront of setting up MDC-T structures here, but we realised that this is not a people-centered party.

    “I have now seen the light because for the few days that I have been in Zanu-PF, the leadership has initiated a number of projects and we are beneficiaries.”

    Another defector, George Vhurumundu, who led the campaign team in the district, said they felt used by the MDC-T.

    He accused the party leadership of concentrating on empowering themselves.

    “It is all about infighting and nothing tangible which benefits the members,” said Vhurumundu.

    “If you raise a complainant, no one attends to it, a clear sign that the leadership is concerned about itself, forgetting the people who matter.

    “We were lost for the past 14 years and I am happy we have been accepted back.

    “Our aim is now to ensure the revolutionary party records massive success in the elections.”

    Nduna said the electorate should vote for development and economic empowerment than the reversal of the gains of the liberation struggle being advocated by the MDC formations.

    He urged supporters to maintain a similar voting pattern, voting for a Zanu-PF President, national assembly member and councillor.

    “We do not want zigzag when voting, a situation where you vote for candidates from different political parties,” said Nduna.

    “Our aim is to reclaim the seat we lost in the last elections and all our candidates will be Zanu-PF. President Mugabe’s victory is our victory.

    “We want to continue with economic empowerment. It is a shame that a party like MDC-T that has never brought any empowerment programme to the people wants to reverse the indigenisation and empowerment programmes being done by Zanu-PF. It simply shows that they are not for the people.”

    Nduna said the MDC-T councillors who had brought down service delivery in the town should never be given another chance.

    “Since 2008, most of them are concentrating on grabbing stands and market stalls at the expense of ordinary Zimbabweans.

    “Mistakes of that nature should not be repeated in the forthcoming elections,” he said.

    He thanked Clever Kunonga whom he defeated in the primary elections for showing political maturity.

    “If we work together we will bring good results for the party,” said Nduna.

    Mashonaland West Zanu-PF provincial executive member Chingasiyeni Gambanga said a wise vote was one that preserved the country’s sovereignty.

    “That vote lies in Zanu-PF,” she said.

    “Let us remain united and defeat our enemies. The unity exhibited by those who lost in the primary elections should guide us to victory.”
    Incoming search terms:

    * 2000 mdc-T man march in zimbabwe

  2. (TALKZIMBABWE) More US images on MDC-T campaign flyers
    This article was written by Our reporter on 17 July, at 13 : 28 PM

    Barely a week after the MDC-T came under fire for importing foreign images in its manifesto and website, it has also emerged that the party is using United States images on its campaign material posted on the party’s website.

    Most of the MDC-T flyers have images from US stock image websites Photobucket and Dreamstime and various other US websites.

    The party has been trying to hoodwink the public that the images are from Zimbabwe, showing faces of African Americans who readers would not suspect are not Zimbabwean.

    We reproduce below some of these images and their original sources.

    Last week the MDC-T was exposed for importing images into its election manifesto, among which was a picture which depicted a South Africa woman planting a tree in Port Elizabeth. Another picture on page 19 of the manifesto shows a train crossing a rail bridge over the Kwai River in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, and African American medical students on page 21 to mention just a few.

    Icons of the US map and Supreme Court also adorned the party’s website, but these were hastily removed on Tuesday morning last week after they drew fierce criticism from members of the public.

    Current images include the image of a young African American deejay singing holding a microphone. The image is from Getty Images and is published on the company’s website. The image is used on an MDC-T flyer labelled “Let The Party Begin,” a slogan which identifies that picture on the Getty Images website.

    Another flyer called “It’s Your Choice, It’s Your Secret” features an African American elderly couple. The image is from, another US stock photography website. The image was also used by US news agency on 22 May, 2013 in an article entitled “African-Americans retiring earlier, with less savings”.

    Another US image of a nurse is used by the MDC-T party on a flyer entitled “The Time Is Now Civil Servants”. The image was published on the US’s Clayton County Public Health website. Clayton County is Jonesboro in the U.S. state of Georgia.

    The latest expose is a huge embarrassment to the MDC-T party which has been trying for a very long time to shake-off the image that it is not a home-grown party, and its political strategy is handled by the West. It is not clear why the MDC-T decided to use images from the United States, and not from Zimbabwe.

    Political scientist and Zanu-PF Politburo member Professor Jonathan Moyo said the images proved the MDC-T was a fake political party with nothing to offer the electorate.

    “MDC-T is a fake party that uses fake communication to falsify its own image and to falsify the situation in Zimbabwe,” he said.

    “When it comes to its own image, it uses fake images like it used in its manifesto to paint a glossy and false picture of itself giving the impression that it is as beautiful as that South African woman and that it is a part of America as shown by importing of pictures of American icons.”

    The various images used by the MDC-T

    teacher 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers
    MDC-T fake images

    civilservants 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

    partybegin 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

    teacher1 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

    couple 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers
