
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

UPND doesn't mean well for MMD, says Lusambo
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe and Henry Sinyangwe in Lusaka
Sun 07 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

MMD Die-Hard youth wing national coordinator Bowman Lusambo says MMD youths will support the PF in the forthcoming Kafulafuta and Solwezi-East parliamentary by-election because of what he terms treacherous behaviour of Hakainde Hichilema's UPND.

And NRP leader Cosmo Mumba says his party will support the PF in Kafulafuta. In an interview yesterday, Lusambo said the youths had resolved to rally behind the PF in the two by-elections except for Chipata Central where the party had fielded a candidate.

Lusambo said it had become apparent to all the youths in the party that UPND together with its leader Hichilema did not mean well for the MMD, adding that the UPND wanted to use the loose alliance that was formed over the forthcoming by-elections to manipulate the former ruling party and gain political mileage.

"The UPND is clearly insulting our intelligence. This party is insincere and selfish. It is sad that it is coming from our fellow opposition party the UPND. We had a loose alliance in Chipata over the by-election, where UPND pretended that they wanted us to trade, they give us Chipata, we give them Solwezi-East. They were stuck in Chipata. They didn't have a candidate. Little did we know that they were persuading our candidate to stand on their ticket but our candidate also rejected their idea," Lusambo explained.

"Few days ago, Hichilema issued a statement concerning Evelyn Mwanawasa that their party welcomes her decision to withdraw from the Kafulafuta seat. If HH was a politician, he would have not commented on Evelyn Mwanawasa, but the thing is, he mocked us at that press briefing over our awkward situation we found ourselves in over Kafulafuta after Evelyn withdrew from the race because of her health. It has become clear that HH and his UPND are not our friends so it's better we support the PF which is a more of a progressive party than the UPND."

Lusambo said MMD youths expected Hichilema to exhibit maturity and treat the problems in the MMD over Kafulafuta and Mwanawasa's withdrawal from the race as matters that were outside his boundary and he should not have commented over the issue.

He said the MMD youths would show Hichilema the real politics by vigorously campaigning with the PF in Kafulafuta and Solwezi-East to defeat the UPND because the party does not mean well in politics.
Lusambo said their stance to support the PF in the two by-elections was for the betterment of the MMD because the PF as a ruling party meant well in many areas compared to the UPND and nobody would reverse the decision of the youth wing in the party.

"No wonder the PF-UPND pact crumbled in 2011 before the elections. This is because the UPND is not trustworthy. They don't want to work with other opposition parties in honesty. And let them not be cheated, Dora Siliya is a very intelligent politician. She will not accept to stand on the UPND ticket knowing her character because we have heard that there were some links and they want to persuade her to stand in Petauke. It will not happen," said Lusambo said.

And Cosmo Mumba said he was on the ground drumming up support for the PF candidate.

He condemned Nevers Mumba's recent attack on the Judiciary.

He said it was disappointing that Nevers Mumba had launched an attack on the Judiciary following the Supreme Court's nullification of Siliya's election as Chipata Central Member of Parliament.

And Mumba who is National Revolution Party president said MMD has lost favour from God because its leadership had failed to live within the biblical tenets.

He said the nullification of the seats should not be blamed on President Michael Sata or the Judiciary.

"The nullification of Dora Siliya's results is loss of favour by MMD from God. They have lost favour with God because this leadership of Dr Mumba has failed to live within the biblical tenets because when Dora Siliya raised a middle finger in Parliament, Dr Mumba was quiet. When Michael Kaingu supported Dora Siliya for insulting, Dr Mumba was quiet," said Cosmo Mumba.

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