
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

UPND summons MPs serving in govt
By Roy Habaalu
Sat 13 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

THE UPND has summoned its members of parliament serving in government for disciplinary hearings.

According to a letter dated July 3, 2013 copied to party secretary general Winston Chibwe, UPND Western Province secretary Sishwashwa Mbinji said he had summoned Kalabo Central and Sinjembela members of parliament Chinga Miyutu and Poniso Njeulu respectively to appear before the disciplinary committee within 14 days to exculpate themselves against allegations levelled against them.

Mbinji said the provincial team that toured Kalabo district discovered that Miyutu used abusive language to both party members and the public.

"That you often referred to party officials that their reasoning is no different to that of your petty dog. In another evidence, you described the behaviour of some village headmen at Yuka as being like that of mating dogs," read the letter.

Mbinji said the party established that Miyutu had failed to work with the structures and selected a few he worked with, thereby causing divisions.

"That at one of your public meetings at Ndoka, you instructed two ward councillors who appeared at the meeting dressed in the UPND attire, that they should remove their dress or leave the meeting and that they should never again appear dressed in party attire at any of your meetings in future. That despite being the party district coordinator, you have not turned up for the scheduled district committee meetings in the last one and half year," adding; "In addition, the provincial committee has an observation which would require you to justify your response that Mabili and Nangula wards are not part of Kalabo Central Constituency when you were instructed to participate in the local government by-elections in the two wards in November, 2012," read the letter in part.

On Njeulu, who is information deputy minister, Mbinji alleged that he created a cartel surrounding him thereby isolating the rest causing divisions and sowing seeds of discontent in the party.

Mbinji said that Shangombo district committee was divided between those that surrounded Njeulu and those forced to stand at a distance due to his style of leadership.

"It is alleged that you have failed to organise the party effectively and maintain unity in your constituency and district. In addition the provincial committee would like you to justify the response you gave when instructed by it to participate in Mabili and Nangula wards by-elections in November, 2012. Arising from the above stated therefore, you are called upon to appear before the party disciplinary committee without fail and exculpate yourself against the allegations and give satisfactory explanation within 14 days" stated the letter to Njeulu.

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