
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Masebo says hard work, creativity will put money in peoples' pockets
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Tue 23 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

TOURISM and arts minister Sylvia Masebo says the government's desire is to put money in people's pockets which can only be possible through hard work and innovativeness at individual and organisational level.

Speaking when she officiated at this year's Southern Tourism, Agriculture and Commercial Show on Saturday, Masebo said this year's show themed "Kumusanza: creating wealth in a changing environment through business innovation", was a call to all sectors to be innovative if survival was to be guaranteed in the obtaining dynamic environment.

"As you may be aware, the government's desire is to put money in people's pockets which can only be possible through hard work and innovativeness at the individual and organisational levels. This show is thus an opportunity for the people of Southern Province to showcase their ingenuity in creating wealth with the resultant contribution to national economic development," Masebo said.

She appealed for cooperation so as to promote and market the potential and capabilities of Southern Province in areas such as agriculture, tourism, mining and commerce.

"As you hold this show, the challenge therefore, is how to take advantage of these positive developments that the government has initiated which are aimed at enhancing economic prosperity and poverty alleviation… come up with new and innovative ideas that will enable Southern Province become more productive, sustainable and competitive in this dynamic environment," she said.

And tourism, agriculture and commercial show society chairperson Joseph Mumbi said the show had several challenges such as poor infrastructure which needed to be addressed.

"We would like to thank the government for their continued support to the society especially through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Tourism and Arts and Ministry of Commerce and Trade. The society still has a number of challenges which include weak financial base and lack of infrastructure. However, the society is determined to succeed and has come up with a strategic plan aimed at turning around this situation with the ultimate goal of becoming the preferred show in Southern Africa," he said.

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