
Friday, August 16, 2013

(MnG SA, SAPA) Borders in Africa 'unnecessary', says EFF
25 Jul 2013 16:56 Sapa

COMMENT - This is a very interesting idea, but it can only work if there is absolute subsidiarity from the municipal level upwards, with the exception of individual human and civil rights. That is the only way to ensure democracy and local accountability of the government or state. And the elimination of elite ownership of the mines or land. - MrK

The Economic Freedom Fighters will advocate the integration of Africa by eliminating national borders, according to its founding manifesto. The "protest movement", led by Julius Malema, said the borders between African countries were "unnecessary", especially those between South Africa and Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.

"The EFF will ... advocate for the ultimate integration of the African continent through the erosion and eventual elimination of unnecessary borders, which, in the case of South Africa will entail the Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland borders in a manner that involves and includes the participation and approval of those countries," it said in its manifesto.

"This will also be encouraged in other parts of the African continent."

This formed part of the EFF's policy on "progressive internationalism".

The EFF said it would also advocate for free trade across the continent.

On immigration, the movement committed itself to taking up the struggle of all immigrants, whether they were in South Africa legally or illegally. It said immigrants should be guaranteed basic rights when they were in the country.

'Access to health ... education'

"Certain basic rights cannot be denied to any human being who is in South Africa, whether they are in possession of certain documents or not.

"Basic rights that should be guaranteed include access to health, access to education for children, protection from super-exploitation by employers, and access to burial rights in South Africa."

The process of applying for citizenship should not be complicated.

The EFF is holding a conference in Soweto on Friday and Saturday to work out its policies and manifesto. – Sapa

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