
Monday, August 05, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Furious Mugabe blasts Chombo’s ex-wife
Chombo wife blast ... President Robert Mugabe addesses supporters in Chinhoyi
18/07/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

COMMENT - Lots of hyperbole from the writer. - MrK

A FURIOUS President Robert Mugabe on Thursday laid into the ex-wife of local government minister Ignatius Chombo’s who - in a case of hell hath no fury like a scorned woman - is running against him in Zvimba North constituency.

Mugabe’s angry put-down of Marian Chombo at a campaign rally in Chinhoyi betrayed the Zanu PF hierarchy’s increasing anxiety over the possibility of several disgruntled cadres contesting the elections as independents fatally dividing its supporters.

Marian is one of a number of party members who have ignored orders to withdraw from the polls after disputing their losses in party primaries. Some were barred from contesting the party primaries.

But addressing thousands of supporters at Chinhoyi University, Mugabe picked on the ex-wife of one of his most trusted lieutenants for particular attention.

“Here in Mashonaland West I don’t know how many are running as independent candidates. There is Ms Marian … is her surname still Chombo?,” he said to wild cheers from the gathering.

“She is refusing to be divorced; was she not divorced by her husband? She wanted to challenge Chombo as a candidate but the party said no. We did not reject her as a party member asi vakati twi apapa nokuti ‘ndini Marian Chombo ndinotomira chete kukwikwidzana naChombo iyeye tisvitsane kutsime’.

“Wakanzwa murume achinzi anoenda kutsime ndiani? haiwa tibvire apa! Nanga nanga, nanga nanga nemurume akanyarara zvake mbiri watoita mbiri, mbiri kwese kwese, kungoramba uchingoorganiser, uchingoorganiser, ko uchaorganiser chava chii?

“You contested (the primaries) and lost. We never interfered in your marital dispute, but now this is about Zimbabwe, it is about Zanu PF; we do not want people who cause unnecessary confusion. No, no! Zarira muromo wako iwowo, nepfungwa dzako idzodzo ngadzibve dzadzima; mubatsirei Mudzimai uyu.”

Marian and Chombo divorced by consent in September 2012 following a drawn-out dispute over how to share the family’s vast wealth.

She was twice excluded from the list of candidates for the party’s primaries and is adamant her powerful ex-husband, a Zanu PF politburo member and MP for the area for 18 years, was being protected from any challenge.

She has since given in to pressure by abandoning the party’s logo but continues to use Mugabe’s portrait in her campaign.

Mugabe also hit out at other defiant officials who have ignored orders to stand down, telling them that they were effectively sacked from the party and should stop using its symbols and campaign material.

He said: “Ndinoda kutaura kuti zvinhu zviripakati pedu zvinenge zvirikutinyonganisa maitiro. Takaita maprimary elections zvakanakanaka asi kunevamwe vakasarudza kuti ah ‘isu kunyangwe takundwa tinoda kumira chete’.

“Wadaro watosarudza kumira uchikwikwidzana nemusangano, wadaro zvikanda kunze kwemusangano, wadaro hausisiri nhengo yemusangano, naizvozvo chibvisa zvifeko dzedu, nhaizvozvo hauchagona kuti pamberi navaMugabe, waakungoti pamberi neni, pachako

“Kana wakundwa, kukundwa kunorwadza asi hauna kukundwa nemu MDC wakundwa nemumwe wako hamaikwanisa kuhwina mose, kunohwina mumwe chete.”

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