
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sata fires Hapunda
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 01 Aug. 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has with immediate effect revoked the appointment of Brian Hapunda as Southern Province PF political secretary.

According to a letter dated July 29, 2013, copied to PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba and Southern Province chairman, President Sata said Hapunda had been going round collecting monies from companies and business houses in his name and that of Kabimba.

"In justifying your collections, you have at times written letters of acknowledgement to donors and purported to copy the same to the secretary general. You also wrote to the management of Southern Water and Sewerage Company requesting them to settle your house rentals when you know very well that this was against the policy of the party," read the letter in part.

"Your activities constitute gross misconduct under the party disciplinary regulations as they bring the name of His Excellency the President, the secretary general and the party into disrepute and reproach. In view of the above, I have revoked your appointment as Provincial Political Secretary for Southern Province with immediate effect," President Sata said.

Hapunda was UPND Lusaka Province youth coordinator before joining PF.
Recently, Kabimba warned party members against engaging in corrupt activities and that those found wanting would be dealt with.

Kabimba said there were people going round asking for donations from companies in the name of the party.

Hapunda was later quoted on ZNBC saying it was people from outside Livingstone that were collecting money from companies.

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