
Monday, August 05, 2013

Sata says he could have been a cook
By Kombe Chimpinde and Isaac Zulu in Mkushi
Fri 19 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says he would have been a cook had he not worked hard in his life. And President Sata says it is MMD leader Nevers Mumba who is spreading rumours that he is ill.

President Sata said this during a rare interaction with residents at Nkumbi Primary School, where he went to drum up support for PF candidate in the Mkushi North by-election, Ingrid Mphande. President Sata, who gave voters an opportunity to ask him various questions, said he had worked hard.

This was after a resident, George Kangwa, 45 asked the President to give him a Toyota Spacio. Kangwa said he had envied those that were driving and was tired of walking.

"Ine na cuula bakateka. Njendafye panshi, nomba nalomba kuli imwe bakateka naine lekeni nkwateko motoka, ka Spacio (I have suffered Mr President, I am always walking. Now I am asking you, let me have a vehicle, a Spacio)," he said.

In response, President Sata told Kangwa that he was still young and energetic.

"You young men are the ones with a lot of energy, so why don't you mobilise yourselves to work for the betterment of your lives like those in other areas are doing while you people are just watching?" he said before he was interjected by some other youths who said they had no resources to start up something.

"You people should count yourselves lucky that you even have jobs in these farms and the only thing you lack is leadership. You have to stand up and be counted. My father was a cook and if I didn't work hard to be something, I would have also been a cook."

President Sata said the area was lagging behind because of lack of vibrant leadership to represent people.

"Akoni kekala epo ka temenwe (a bird sits where it chooses). I was member of parliament for 20 years. If you people want to know what I am capable of doing and you Mrs Mphande, go to Mpika, where I worked (as member of parliament). It is a village but there are tarred roads; some houses are electrified. Go to Kabwata," he said.

The locals asked President Sata to increase the number of those accessing fertiliser.

They also bitterly complained over what they termed exploitation by farmers, who were allegedly giving them wages of as less as K300 despite the government's stipulation of a minimum wage.

"When you vote for me, come 2016, I will be able to respond to you because you would have given me someone to communicate your problems," President Sata said.

"We have seen what is obtaining here in Nkumbi area; this is not how it was. It was supposed to be Nkumbi proper. So madam MP, you have a lot of things do."

President Sata said the people of Mkushi had the right to choose who they want, but that the PF was better placed to address their plight.

"I want you people to give me people to tell me the problems that the people of Luano have. This is why I have brought Mphande," he said.

President Sata also addressed a rally at Masansa Primary School and paid a courtesy call on chief Chitina, who was elated to see him.
President Sata told residents that he would build the chief a new house and turn the visibly dilapidated house into a guest house. He also promised a clinic around the area.

And addressing residents at Mkushi grounds, President Sata wondered why some people were spreading rumours that he was ill when he was in perfect health.

"He (Mumba) is saying 'Sata is seriously sick and he is dying and when he dies, I will take over from him'. Can a sick person stand for long hours as I have been standing since we began the rallies?" he asked.

"I didn't want to be called by anyone to the podium to address you. I wanted to go there and wait for everyone to speak so that those that are spreading these lies that I'm sick can see that I am okay; bonse kuti twalwalako panono, noti ukulwala uku balelanda (It is normal to fall ill from time to time, not the type of sickness they are talking about). Nevers is telling people that I am dying now. Is that not as good as being a witch? Is this how a sick person looks? It is Nevers Mumba who is praying for my death so that he can take over. He wishes me death."

Mphande said that she had been rejected in 2011 but was confident that the people would vote for PF because they made a mistake by voting for MMD.

MMD is fielding Jonathan Kapungwe, UPND has floated Wynter Libbohole, while NAREP is fielding Albert Kaweya. Felix Chisanga is standing as an independent candidate, while Bernard Nshimbi is standing on UNIP ticket.

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