
Monday, August 12, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) ‘Let’s do away with MDC-T’
Sunday, 21 July 2013 00:00
Sunday Mail Reporterd

Vice President Cde Joice Mujuru has implored the electorate not to forget how the country attained its independence ahead of this month’s harmonised elections.

Addressing thousands of supporters in Murehwa yesterday, Cde Mujuru said Zimbabweans should show respect and have faith in the leadership of President Mugabe and Zanu-PF who brought independence from the racist Ian Smith.

She warned Zimbabweans against being misled by Western sponsored party’s who are bent on reversing the gains of independence.

Cde Mujuru noted that the country’s development suffered during the four year tenure of the inclusive government.

“We have missed our economic and infrastructural development goals over the past four years because of this double headed government. The MDC formations are against the emancipation of the people and we need to have that in mind when we vote on July 31.

“We also have that moral obligation to respect President Mugabe who brought this freedom to this country,” she said.
Cde Mujuru added that the inclusive government let down farmers who benefited from the land reform.

She said Finance Minister and MDC-T secretary general Tendai Biti had brought “darkness” to the new farmers by failing to avail funding to them.

“He (Biti) has blocked a number of projects that were meant to benefit the masses during the four-year tenure of the inclusive Government. Among these were two projects that were meant for Arda Muzarabani. The Arda we are seeing today has collapsed and what was only needed to resuscitate it was Biti’s signature after we made efforts to secure help, but up to now the papers are still in his office,” she said.

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