
Friday, August 16, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Mukwazhi rallies behind President Mugabe
Sunday, 28 July 2013 00:00
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Sunday Mail Reporter

In a dramatic turn of events, Zimbabwe Development Party (ZDP) presidential candidate Mr Kisinot Mukwazhi yesterday pulled out of the election race, announcing that his party was now backing President Mugabe and Zanu-PF.

Addressing journalists at a Harare hotel last night, Mr Mukwazhi disclosed that he had decided against getting into a coalition with the MDC-T after noting that its leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai was a “wicked and weak man.”

“It is clear that Mr Tsvangirai does not have what it takes to lead Zimbabwe. This was very apparent during the engagements we had with Mr Tsvangirai as he begged us to join his coalition. I have since realised that there is only one true leader who has a record of being a father, a leader, a man on of the people and this is President Mugabe,” he said.

“The ZDP now rallies behind President Mugabe. The message will be sent to our people that they are now supposed to vote for President Mugabe. This country needs a leader who has its interests at heart and that man is not Mr Tsvangirai.

“Mr Tsvangirai is a man full of wickedness and this is shown by his lack of love for the people of Zimbabwe as he spends most of his time meeting the Europeans and not the people he wants to lead,” said Mukwazhi.

The ZDP leader said the coalition negotiations with the MDC-T had “exposed the party.”

“After being in talks with the MDC-T we began to note that it was a party that is not needed in Zimbabwean politics as they seem to have an agenda to reverse the gains of the liberation struggle.

“We stand strong as ZDP and urge all Zimbabweans to vote for President Mugabe this week since he is the only leader who has a history of having Zimbabweans at heart,” he said.

He said his party will inform the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission about their decision to pull out of the elections today.

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