
Thursday, August 01, 2013

(TALKZIMBABWE) More US images on MDC-T campaign flyers
This article was written by Our reporter on 17 July, at 13 : 28 PM

Barely a week after the MDC-T came under fire for importing foreign images in its manifesto and website, it has also emerged that the party is using United States images on its campaign material posted on the party’s website.

Most of the MDC-T flyers have images from US stock image websites Photobucket and Dreamstime and various other US websites.

The party has been trying to hoodwink the public that the images are from Zimbabwe, showing faces of African Americans who readers would not suspect are not Zimbabwean.

We reproduce below some of these images and their original sources.

Last week the MDC-T was exposed for importing images into its election manifesto, among which was a picture which depicted a South Africa woman planting a tree in Port Elizabeth. Another picture on page 19 of the manifesto shows a train crossing a rail bridge over the Kwai River in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, and African American medical students on page 21 to mention just a few.

Icons of the US map and Supreme Court also adorned the party’s website, but these were hastily removed on Tuesday morning last week after they drew fierce criticism from members of the public.

Current images include the image of a young African American deejay singing holding a microphone. The image is from Getty Images and is published on the company’s website. The image is used on an MDC-T flyer labelled “Let The Party Begin,” a slogan which identifies that picture on the Getty Images website.

Another flyer called “It’s Your Choice, It’s Your Secret” features an African American elderly couple. The image is from, another US stock photography website. The image was also used by US news agency on 22 May, 2013 in an article entitled “African-Americans retiring earlier, with less savings”.

Another US image of a nurse is used by the MDC-T party on a flyer entitled “The Time Is Now Civil Servants”. The image was published on the US’s Clayton County Public Health website. Clayton County is Jonesboro in the U.S. state of Georgia.

The latest expose is a huge embarrassment to the MDC-T party which has been trying for a very long time to shake-off the image that it is not a home-grown party, and its political strategy is handled by the West. It is not clear why the MDC-T decided to use images from the United States, and not from Zimbabwe.

Political scientist and Zanu-PF Politburo member Professor Jonathan Moyo said the images proved the MDC-T was a fake political party with nothing to offer the electorate.

“MDC-T is a fake party that uses fake communication to falsify its own image and to falsify the situation in Zimbabwe,” he said.

“When it comes to its own image, it uses fake images like it used in its manifesto to paint a glossy and false picture of itself giving the impression that it is as beautiful as that South African woman and that it is a part of America as shown by importing of pictures of American icons.”

The various images used by the MDC-T

teacher 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers
MDC-T fake images

civilservants 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

partybegin 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

teacher1 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

couple 150x150 More US images on MDC T campaign flyers

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