
Monday, August 05, 2013

(TALKZIMBABWE) No lessons from ‘insane’ US: Mugabe
This article was written by Our reporter on 18 July, at 23 : 13 PM

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has slammed the United States for trying to teach Zimbabwe about democracy, saying they are not qualified to do so given the country’s chequered history.

Speaking at a Zanu-PF election star rally in Chinhoyi on Thursday, President Mugabe said US President Barack Obama was not qualified to give Zimbabwe lectures on democracy.

“In America they are saying Zimbabwe has gone for an early election without reforms. Americans must be mad and absolutely insane,” President Mugabe said in an address that last more than 2-1/2 hours, confounding speculation his health is failing.

This statement was followed by a deafening applause and screaming from the thousands of people who attended the rally.

“President Barack Obama has continued with the Bush drone policy, how can he talk about peace and democracy.

“There are still many people detained without trial at Guantanamo Prison in Cuba, in the name of the US? Is that democracy?”

President Mugabe said President Obama’s hypocrisy of democracy is stripping the United States of any credibility it has left on the African region.

He also said there was no way the United States and its allies would be invited to observe elections in Zimbabwe because they had imposed illegal sanctions on the country and were thus not fit to comment on the politics in the country.

He said President Obama had failed to take the opportunity to craft new relations with many countries after the ‘political mess created by Bush”. Instead he had renewed sanctions on Zimbabwe which now impose a burden on the country.

President Mugabe briefly talked about the recent case of George Zimmerman who was found not guilty of killing black teen Trayvon Martin. He said this was not surprising given the United States’ “filthy history of slavery and imprisoning of black people”.

President Mugabe also attacked the United States President for passing gay rights law.

Castigating homosexuality, the President gave an example of Obama whom he said wants Africa to recognise homosexuality. “It’s just an abomination, it can never be excepted or accepted on the African continent, it’s unnatural,” he said.

President Mugabe ended by saying that the Liberation War (Chimurenga) fought in Zimbabwe was never about race or fighting the white skin, but that Zanu-PF and other nationalist parties were fighting black oppression and segregation. He reminded the crowd that it was Africans, not Europeans, who brought democracy to Africa through “the barrel of a gun”.

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