
Thursday, August 01, 2013

(TALKZIMBABWE) Property rights for blacks too: President Mugabe
This article was written by Our reporter on 16 July, at 17 : 41 PM

Zanu-PF First Secretary and President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe says through the supreme sacrifices of the country’s living and fallen heroes, Zimbabweans have their heritage, resources, land and sovereignty.

Addressing a star rally at Chibuku stadium in Chitungwiza, President Mugabe said the liberation struggle was aimed at stopping oppression and returning the land to the majority, adding that the country will never be a colony again.

He said that Zimbabwean lawyers have been hoodwinked to think property rights refer only to property that belongs to white people, not black people.

“When they talk of property rights do they ever think about our own property rights to the land they stole from us?

He said that white people will never allow blacks, especially Africans, to be leaders in their own countries, but they want to be leaders “in our countries”.

“Why do some blacks want to sell the country? Is it because they are staying in England? But they shall return to their own country because they (the whites) are racists and they do not want you (blacks) to be leaders in their own countries.

“So why should they (whites) be leaders in our own country?

“We don’t want whites to control us in our country.

“In this country, the black person will lead the country,” said the President.

President Mugabe castigated western nations for continuing to champion the regime change agenda 30 years after independence adding that people should remain united.

“When they are saying regime change, they are saying let us remove President Mugabe so that we take control of all the resources in Zimbabwe.

“We (Zimbabweans) have the gold, diamonds, platinum, iron, chrome and coal and we are the richest country of minerals world over.

“We are saying to our local geologists, mining engineers lets control and own our resources.

“We are teaching our own children without the help of the whites, we fought for our independence on our own.

“So no to whites’ rule,” he said.

The President paid tribute to the people for coming out in their thousands saying it shows they are concerned about their future and have woken up and intend to reverse the mistakes of 2008.

He urged Zimbabweans to vote for Zanu PF as it has the interests of people at heart and does not want to see the country go back to colonisers.

The Zanu PF First Secretary said: “The government we want is a government for the people, a government that has respect for the people and takes care for the people. Zanu PF government.

“Some of us made mistakes in 2008 and went to MDC.

“But this year, let us vote well.”

President Mugabe spoke of Zimbabwe’s achievements mainly the country’s rating of having the highest literacy rate in Africa saying that is one of the country’s numerous achievements that came as a result of independence.

President Mugabe has reiterated the need for the nation to remain united and shun violence before, during and after the harmonised elections.

He reminded people of the late Vice President, Landa John Nkomo’s call, ‘Peace begins with me, Peace begins with you, and Peace begins with all of us’.

He commended the MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai for calling for peace, saying he however has a duty to educate his followers against inciting violence and engaging in violent acts.

The President however said the MDC-T should take full responsibility for the suffering of Zimbabweans as they called for the imposition of sanctions on the country.

He commended small-scale farmers for working hard to combat the effects of sanctions by utilising available resources as witnessed by the increasing number of tobacco farmers.

The President castigated Finance Minister Tendai Biti for failing to utilise the $500 million availed to Zimbabwe by the International Monetary Fund to revamp distressed companies.

He said Zanu PF will ensure that all distressed companies are revamped and create employment for the youths.

The President also said they will ensure there is clean water and toilets for people in Chitungwiza, which he said is the largest township in Zimbabwe.

Turning to Councillors and Members of Parliament elected in 2008, the President said: “The MDC councillors you voted for were not used to seeing lots of money, so when they got in power they abused the money which was paid by residents for rentals and bills for their own use.

“They bought themselves cars.

“We want MPs and councillors who run affairs of the country and not abuse the funds for their own use.”

President Mugabe also urged mothers to look after their children to avoid rape cases.

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