
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai wants ZEC disbanded
This article was written by Our reporter on 30 July, at 06 : 35 AM

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai has called on the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission secretariat to resign saying they are working in cohorts with Zanu-PF to rig the elections slated for tomorrow. Speaking at the last rally of the MDC-T party before the elections Tsvangirai said ZEC had lost credibility.

“The whole of ZEC has lost credibility and should resign. They are working in cohorts with Zanu-PF to rig elections. “Vanhu ava ndisu takavaisa pachigaro, saka tinogona kuvabvisa (We appointed these people, we can remove them from their position)”, said Tsvangirai.

“ZEC are not up to their responsibility, they should change their ways,” he added.

He said the legitimacy and credibility of Wednesday’s election lies with ZEC.

“The legitimacy and credibility of this election lies with ZEC, they are the ones who are helping (President) Mugabe stay in power and should be immediately disbanded.”

He said that he had briefed the visiting African Union Observer Team about the MDC-T’s concerns.

The African Union meanwhile has said that the situation in Zimbabwe is conducive for a free and fair election.

Zimbabweans cast their vote for local, parliamentary and presidential elections tomorrow.

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