
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

WP will only develop if all tribes live in harmony - Sata
By Roy Habaalu in Kaoma
Sun 21 July 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says Western Province will only develop if all tribes live in harmony.

And chiefs Mwene Mutondo and Chiengele of Kaoma district say the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) was misapplying the chiefs Act claiming that Article 3 (2) (B) extended the authority of the Lozi chief, the Litunga to oversee chiefdoms of non-Lozi speaking people.

During the Kazanga traditional ceremony of the Nkoya people of Kaoma district, President Sata in a speech read for him by justice minister Wynter Kabimba, said unity would help the government implement programmes aimed at eradicating poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy.

"I urge you all to work as one people and reduce on tribal frictions. The province needs peace and harmony to foster development. It is also important that we remain peaceful and uphold our national slogan of one Zambia one nation," President Sata said.

"Our 73 tribes which constitute our country must continue to act and live as one people."

He said it was the responsibility of every traditional leader to take up the challenge to lead and guide their subjects towards economic and social development.

President Sata said the government was pleased with the hard work of the people of Kaoma in the last farming season as evidenced by the good harvest in the district.

"In this regard government through the Food Reserve Agency is working hard to ensure that all maize is bought from the farmers in the country. To further show the government's commitment to the agriculture sector, we have already started distributing 18, 120 x 50 bags of fertiliser to Kaoma district for the 2013/2014 farming season," President Sata said.

He said the government was building a hatchery holding pond for fish farming in Malindi as part of its strategies of taking development to rural areas by diversifying the economic activities of people.
He said the government had constructed health centres in Namaloba, Katoya and Nalulembe.

President Sata said it was the focus of his government to conserve Zambia's heritage in order to preserve cultural diversity, social-economic and environmental transformation for people to achieve sustainable national development.

He said it was the view of government that traditional ceremonies were an effective way of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage including praise, poetry, music and dances.

In a joint statement after a meeting held at the Nkoya Royal Establishment, Lukena Palace and Mushuwa Royal Establishment of the Mbunda people, the chiefs said the misinformation on the chiefs Act had been extended to government offices at provincial and district levels creating a situation of servitude among the Nkoya, Mbunda and non-Lozi tribes in Western Province.

They said this had led to the BRE circulating a document that presupposed that gazetted chiefs Mutondo, Chiengele, Kahare and Kandala were sub-chiefs within the BRE set-up.

The traditional leaders said in social and judicial administration, conflicts had spread to local courts where citizens were compelled to speak Lozi contrary to individuals freedoms of expression, association and belonging.

"As regards general relations in Western Province, the meeting informs that BRE's arrogance on matters of traditional authority has led to tension and the meeting calls on government to treat all tribes equally and must not ignore the anarchy created and its supporters. On misinformation on matters of traditional leadership, the meeting notes that marginalisation of Nkoya and Mbunda people in the administration of the country perpetuated by Lozi loyalists in government has compounded the situation," they stated.

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