
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

ZNFU equips Mpulungu farmers
By Kabwe Kapampa in Mpulungu
Sat 20 July 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE Zambia National Farmers' Union (ZNFU) has handed over bicycles, ploughs, oxen and a water pump to local farmers in Mpulungu. The initiative is part of ZNFU's asset financing solutions to their members.

Speaking during the handover ceremony held at the ZNFU offices in Mpulungu, district agriculture coordinator Kennedy Sinkamba said apart from improving crop production, the agro-equipment would also ease the farmers' work, which was usually labour intensive.

He said the government was equally making efforts to facilitate the development of a vibrant, sustainable and profitable agro sector.
'To do this, we will need the support of all stakeholders especially you our dear farmers,'' Sinkamba added.

Sinkamba said the government would continue to consult ZNFU on all matters of mutual and agriculture interest to ensure proper implementation of services like agribusiness and input provision.

'Let us ensure that together we reach as many farmers as possible to benefit from various products we are offering as this will ultimately lead to social and economic development,'' he said.

Five bicycles, six ploughs, two oxen and a water pump were given to the farmers.

Mpulungu district ZNFU field facilitator Joseph Zulu urged the farmers to guard the equipment jealously and ensure it was utilised for the intended purposes.

'At ZNFU we have a saying that, 'If you have eaten anything today, ple
ase thank a farmer…..Remember no farmer, no food, no future…, Zulu told the gathering.

The beneficiaries were drawn from different places in Mpulungu district which included Mwanamboko, Kapoko, Kasakalawe and Vyamba.

A farmers' representative Wigan Kabwe said the agro-equipment given would help the farmers to improve on their yields and alleviate poverty levels in their households.

'When the Lake Tanganyika Integrated Management Programme (LTIMP) phased out we were worried because they provided us with finance, technology and farming knowledge that would last for a long time…we are glad that ZNFU has followed in their footsteps,'' Kabwe said.

Senior fisheries research officer Danny Sinyinza and district veterinary officer Dr Gerry Chikuni also witnessed the handover ceremony.

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