
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ICC targeting African leaders - CAPP
By Roy Habaalu
Wed 21 Aug. 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE Council of African Political Parties (CAPP) says the International Criminal Court (ICC) is a tool targeted at African leaders for regime change.

In a communiqué at the end of the executive council meeting, CAPP secretary general Dr Nafie Ali Nafie said the ICC was not adjudicating matters between African countries in an impartial way.

"We further express our grave revulsion with the working of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which appears to be selectively targeted at African leaders whilst turning a blind eye to atrocities and horrendous crimes committed by leaders of powerful Western countries," he said.

Dr Nafie said any conflict in Africa only served the interests of those outside.

"It's not by accident that some countries supporting the ICC didn't sign the statute law. All indictees have been African leaders, yet we know what is going on in the Western world. If those countries were part of the ICC, they would have been at the Hague," he said.

Dr Nafie said CAPP was concerned with the political crisis in Egypt and commended the African Union on its position to freeze its membership as a result of the coup d'etat.

He said the organisation rendered full support to all efforts deployed by the AU to reach a peaceful resolution to the resultant instability and strongly denounced the killing of unarmed and innocent people.

"We are deeply disturbed by the widening political differences and ensuing violence in a number of African countries such as Mali,Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar," Dr Nafie said.

He deplored the efforts of foreign powers to use the pretext of democracy as a tool to meddle in the internal political processes of African countries.

Dr Nafie cautioned outside forces against influencing electoral outcomes in order to pursue their own geo-strategic, political interests.

"We wish to declare that democracy should be a homegrown process that takes cognisance of the historical, cultural and political realities of African countries. We affirm our solemn belief in the unity and common destiny of the African continent and all its people. We recognise that the establishment of the Council of African Political Parties as a momentous act that is consistent with the overall goal of promoting African unity and solidarity," he said.

Dr Nafie said CAPP had adopted a credible roadmap that provided a solid foundation for its evolution.

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