
Sunday, September 01, 2013

Kabimba should tame his tongue - Nkombo
By Henry Sinyangwe
Wed 07 Aug. 2013, 14:01 CAT

GARRY Nkombo says Wynter Kabimba should tame his tongue and concentrate on delivering the party's campaign promises rather than petty politicking. And Nkombo says Kabimba, the PF secretary general advised Chinga Miyutu to resign from the UPND and join the PF because he was facing possible expulsion.

Reacting to Kabimba's statement that UPND was holding its members hostage, Nkombo who is Mazabuka Central UPND member of parliament challenged the PF to own up and say delivery had failed and we just want to do politics all our lives.

"It is a very cheap affair for a man of his stature, he is a state counsel, and he must understand the rules of natural justice for him to single me out and say myself and Hakainde are the ones holding hostage other colleagues, is totally frivolous," Nkombo said.

He said Kabimba's statement was synonymous to someone that had nothing to say to the public.

"Stop getting personal; there is no reason to attack personalities. If delivery has failed, they should just own up and say delivery has failed and we just want to do politics all our lives. And the end of the day, the Zambian people expect much more from PF in general and Mr Kabimba in particular as a top executive of the party than just rantings of someone who appears to have been stung by bees. He needs to tame his tongue, he needs to conduct himself at his age and he should stop hallucinating," Nkombo said.

He said Kabimba must know that the fact that the UPND do not respond all the time does not mean that they did not have ammunition in words to respond. Nkombo said Kabimba was interfering in UPND's internal operations by getting internal correspondence.

"And what is factual regarding what he said anyway, is that in my private meeting with Honorable Miyutu, he told me that it was Mr Kabimba himself who I don't know where he had gotten this letter that UPND wrote to Mr Miyutu to exculpate himself why he did not go to campaign in Mpongwe. Mr Kabimba got hold of that letter, called Mr Miyutu and told him we have this letter, your party is planning to expel you, so before they expel you, you will be safe to work with us. And that's precisely what I meant when I said Mr Kabimba must now learn to stop meddling in affairs of other political parties and concentrate on delivering on the promises that they made to the Zambian people who were gracious enough to give them the mandate to run the country," said Nkombo.

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