
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Muchiga small-scale farmers appeal for more satellite depots
By Jonathan Mukuka in Nakonde
Sat 24 Aug. 2013, 14:00 CAT

THE FRA has bought over 650,000 by 50 kilogramme bags of white maize in Muchinga Province since the start of the maize marketing exercise on July 27. Muchinga Province agricultural and cooperatives coordinator Victor Mulopa disclosed this in an interview.

Dr Mulopa said a total of 653,584x50 kilogramme bags of white maize have been bought as at Tuesday from various satellite depots dotted throughout the province.

He said the exercise was going on smoothly, adding that it was good that most of the small-scale farmers were taking their maize to FRA depots for sale.

He also said he was happy that FRA had started paying the farmers who supplied the maize at the start of the marketing exercise on July 27.
Dr Mulopa said payments would continue and appealed to the small-scale farmers to continue taking their maize to the nearest FRA depot for sale.

Meanwhile, small-scale farmers in Muchinga Province have appealed to the government to consider opening up more satellite depots.

Dr Mulopa said the small-scale farmers in Mafinga, Mpika, Isoka and Nakonde have petitioned the government to consider setting up more satellite depots as close to their areas as possible.

He said in Mpika, the small-scale farmers have proposed the setting up of satellite depots at Mupamadzi, Kanseke, and Chambeshi.

In Isoka, the proposed depot is at Mulilo, while in Mafinga, the small-scale farmers proposed the setting up of another depot at Chitapo.

For Nakonde, the proposed satellite depot is at Chitambi.
Dr Mulopa said his office was of the view that the outcry by the farmers to set up more satellite depots were genuine as the facilities would enhance the marketing exercise in those outlying areas.

He said he had since communicated to the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture on the proposed satellite depots.

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