
Friday, September 27, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Mugabe explains MDC-T cabinet snub
New cabinet ... President Mugabe with deputy, Joice Mujuru (left) and Simon Khaya Moyo
11/09/2013 00:00:00
by Gilbert Nyambabvu

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe said Wednesday he did consider MDC-T officials for cabinet because the opposition party has refused to accept its defeat in the July 31 vote and continues to dismiss as a monumental fraud an election that was endorsed by African observers.

The Zanu PF leader, who won a new five-year term in office in the July 31 elections, named his new cabinet this week, making minor tweaks to a team largely comprising trusted lieutenants who have served in successive governments since independence in 1980.

But there was no place for officials from the MDC-T party with which Zanu PF shared power in a fractious coallition government over the last four years following violent and disputed elections in 2008.

Quizzed by reporters over the exclusion as the new ministers were sworn into office, Mugabe said he could not be expected to work with people who have refused to accept his re-election.

“Are you saying when a party wins, it must necessarily have members of the opposition included in its Cabinet? That is matter that should be discussed between the parties,” he said.

The MDC-T came close to toppling Mugabe in the 2008 ballot after claiming a marginal majority in the lower house of Parliament while party chief Morgan Tsvangirai edged the veteran Zanu PF leader in the first round of the presidential ballot.

But this term the party suffered a stunning reverse as Zanu PF claimed a landslide victory in both the legislative and presidential elections. Tsvangirai has however refused to accept defeat, claiming the vote was a huge farce.

Despite failing with a Constitutional Court challenge against Mugabe’s re-election, the MDC-T insists the vote was rigged and has ruled out working with a Zanu PF government although its MPs will represent their constituents in Parliament.

Mugabe said once the MDC-T said it would not work with Zanu PF in government again, they had pretty much ruled themselves out of any possible return to cabinet.

He said: “You must agree - when we had the results of the elections, the MDC-T started saying it does not recognise the elections; It does not recognise even the election of the President and as far as they are concerned the elections were rigged.
“And once you have the opposition with that attitude what do you do? Tell me what should I have done?”

Last month Tsvangirai claimed that Mugabe had attempted to talk to him after the elections but the Zanu PF leader said he never reached out to his rival.

“I would have expected that the opposition would say aah, we have lost, we accept defeat - fine, but we are prepared to work together. No. They started even making statements - there are indications that the President would want some of us to be in the Cabinet; we do not want it,” he said.

“The President had never made an indication like that. Zvino maiti todiiko? Mushandirapamwe tinouda asi unotauriranwaka. Zvino kana vamwe vachibva vava that negative tovaita sei? Tovasungirira?”

Mugabe also discussed the thinking behind his new cabinet selection which was delayed, he explained, by unavoidable constitutional requirements which included the swearing in of new members of parliament.

He said the ministers had to be committed party cadres, people of sound character and education adding it was also necessary to considers issues such as balance in provincial representation.

“The party which won is Zanu PF. Are you Zanu PF? ‘Vanhu vakavhotera Zanu PF handizvo here? So you must belong to Zanu PF because that is the wish of the people,” he said.

“And if you belong to Zanu PF, how much of Zanu PF are you? Takabva kupi newe tikasvika kupi? How long have you been with us? Yes, in Zanu PF hatidi madofo ainzi namai vangu madofo. This is 33 years after independence, tave mumakore eruzivo, technological periods - years of technology.

“How educated are you; are you just Ordinary level? Ipapa we were able to say just one or two were just O-Level, the rest are degreed. Hameno kuti mungazviwana kupi? Even in Europe, you get all those 24 or 25 degreed people.

“Madzimai, varume the same … ane principles dzakanaka. Hunhu hwake tinenge tichihuda. Was he a winner and also respected by his own community kuConstituency kwake? What is the standing?

“It is not everyone who comes out with the same good standing, but you cannot just punish people because of what is being said. Kuti uyu aah ndozviri kutaurwa ane zvakati, zvakati.

“Tinenge tichida kuona kuti are all our provinces represented as much as possible, at least two ministers. Kungaita madeputies zvako kune mamwe, but I think we managed to get about three in a province.”


ZANU Panyanga

Since the MDC will be celebrating their 'victory' on Saturday can Chematama follow thru and name his cabinet. Lets see what he can come up with for comparison sack. Lets see how his will match up to this one. The guy doesn't even have confidence in his elected councillors.

What a lot of you MDC critics are failing to realise is the group of deputy ministers. These are young and will be working with the older guys in bringing new ideas and also they will be gaining experience for the future. If you are a team manager you don't just remove the experienced players and replace them with young inexperienced players that would spell disaster. For that reason that's why you have B teams and from these the manager with pull some younger players to mix with the experience players.


“I would have expected that the opposition would say aah, we have lost, we accept defeat - fine, but we are prepared to work together. No. They started even making statements - there are indications that the President would want some of us to be in the Cabinet; we do not want it,” he said.
Lest you forget Cde President in 2008 you were beaten hands down and you did not even acknowledge that but instead you went on a rampage of killing any suspected MDC supporters and this forced Tsvangirai to withdraw his participation from the runoff. You are the most violent person I have ever seen on earth. Why then do you expect MDC to do that when yourself failed after you tried to cook the results but still you could not manage to cook in your favour in 2008? Do not be a hypocrite.
However, I have realised that you say something and you do the opposite.
Ian Smith

That is where we Miss it DEGREES without thinking out of the box are useless

Did you know that Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, is generally considered to be the
oldest university in the world.* It was founded roughly the same time as
the city of Cairo, in 969 AD. The first lecture was delivered in 975 AD

THe Europeans were good for one thing any good ideas and food we have they stole our ideas and used them

My point is when you are DEGREED and refuse to see that the country has sunk low then I will rather have an O'Level Fool that will listen

Come Overseas 16 year olds are self taught IT Programmers and they run massive companies some of them just High school Graduates

This DEGREE mentality with no results is Sick
Max The Thinking Man.

Well I met many fools at university and today they have degrees, this degree business means nothing its just a qualification to get a job, The cleverest minds like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped-out of College but because they have brains they have changed the World for the better with their Inventions !...What has Degreed fools in Zimbabwe including Mugabe ever created or Invented ? All they know is reading books and repeating English words to their foolish followers all written by clever Western academics.

Politics over competency will NEVER work anywhere in the world
Max The Thinking Man.

Nonsense over and over again and again.

kushayawo anonyora kuti nhasi kwapisa....
Nyanga Boy 001

Good luck Mr President.Zimbabweans of all political persuasions lets all be patriotic and rally behind the new government led by President Mugabe and his team.Lets be proud being Zimbabweans . Love your Country and be loyal.Thats what brings Nationhood.After elections we remain Zimbabweans under God and one President.Zimbabwe will rise under us the People through the Government in power.

YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED!....How can you rally behind someone who is it it for himself?

The President himself went public with a statement that he had been told by President Mbeki that some of the Ministers in his cabinet were demanding bribes for any investment in Zimbabwe and yet he went on to reappoint the very same corrupt Ministers. I am very upset with the appointed Cabinet and feel my vote for ZANUPF might have been a wasted one.

Mugabe your "lectures" should be from the Hague !

Or in retirement home

Thank you Mr President, there is not even one person in the MDC worthy to be in that cabinet, even put together.

Mugabe we do not need to hear anymore of your bullshit.
You lost this election as you did since 2000.
The PEOPLE do not want zanu pf !
Soon you, and all the old zaniods will be dead, ONLY then the country WILL move forward !

Maybe for once Mr President what you are saying is true. A disfunctional cabinet is no good. But then again brace yourself because whatever goes wrong in the next five years will be blamed on you and ZANU. No scapegoats here. 5 years is not a very long time.

Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that your haters cant do anything to you or to themselves for that matter.
Ask me, i know the feeling. Its like your worst enemy being sentenced to 5 years in prison.
You know he will not come out no matter how loud he shouts from inside until 2018.
Its a shame Mdc supporters have never felt the wonderful feeling. We know that no matter what they say or how loud they say it, Zanu is in power until 2018, 100% guaranteed & thats a proper ICHO!.

Chikala Web Translation Services.

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has said he did NOT consider MDC-T officials for cabinet because.. well, they are all useless. End of.

Cabinet should be representative my foot, utter hogwash ! Just further entrenchment of the Zezuru hegemony project under the guise of indigenisation and empowerment of vana vevhu. It never ceases to amaze me how this Zezuru project seems to have taken root under the noses of all the other clans although one would have to say the politics of patronage and the cult of personality as espoused by ZPF is, to a large extent, to blame. I am always looking at the balance of power in Zim and always wonder if people ever ask themselves why it seems this is mainly centred around the Mashonaland Central, East and West Provinces? And by power here am naturally looking at the real power brokers (securocrats) and is it little wonder then that the head of ZNA, AFZ, CIO and ZRP i.e Chiwengwa, Shiri, Bonyongwe and Chihuri all hail from the aforementioned provinces. Of course there is going to be a few exceptions to the rule, Zimondi comes to mind here, for the simple reason of appeasement of the other clans lest of course the hegemonic nature of the national security structure appears too obvious! And herein lies the root cause of the malaise that has afflicted our beloved country, we are being led (no ruled) by a tribalistic cabal masquerading as the People’s saviors when all the while the only thing that drives them is a self enrichment and preservation agenda ! Rather interesting how when one looks back at the assassination of some of the more prominent voices from other Clans within ZPF/Zanla ranks, Tongo and Chitepo come to mind here, it becomes obvious that RG Mugabe (who happens to be Zezuru by association rather than descent!) and his Zezuru clique had it all figured and whereas others were busy fighting the enemy in the trenches they were busy scheming! And the moral of the story? Never mind the so called vatengesi vana Tsvangson nor the so called sanctions what the country needs most is the dismantling of the Zezuru hegemony and in its place a crop of politicians who have the national agenda at heart and are free from regional allegiances !

take your tribalist zezuru hating sentiments elsewhere no clear thinking person would buy into that many so called zezuru in zim are poor just like like everybody else infact they where the most affected in the chorela outbreak in manicaland it was almost business as usual its the top politicians from all tribes that are in parli and councils/department heads throughout the country that are benefiting from the system and everyone is against that

blah blah blah..reread your incoherent nonsense if you want to see real hogwash

Mai mujuru sat on the right hand side yamudhara watch the inner circle gonna fight soon watch

kikikikk "right hand side of the father"
we get religious now for the devout catholic.
Mavheti haasi bhoo full stop

Mati madii zvenyu we going to increase that 51% to 80% just like the Tswanas. Keep on talking traitors hamulume chinhu till kingdom come. Mudhara Bob is a true legend of African politics and we salute you.

Mugabe starting to believe his own lies, kuchembera uku and why would MDC want to work with thieves that stole an election because the are afraid of a free fair credible election that no one will discredit. 2008 was through violence,2013 Nikuv ''always doubts in our elections thank to your corrupt party''.

Hanzi Mugabe starting to believe his own lies & then you go on to write your own lies which you obviously already believe? Mabhambi munonakidza kwazvo
Nkosi Zulu

Its unimaginable that a winning party will govern with a whining party. MDC complaints virtually about everything and end up losing focus on their important role; that is being perennial opposition party, just like Zimbabwe Saints or Rhinos football club you wood know they will be relegated every season they make it to the top league. In other words MDC are not government material but they will always play a critical role of singing perennial lullaby of complaints to the ruling party. As long as MRT is the undisputed king of MDC they will never rule this country. MDC desperately needs leadership renewal if it is to outplay ZPF at its game.

I salute you Comandante R. G. Mugabe!

Saluting a crazy old man who steals elections. 1,8m facing starvation and food shortages ''keep on saluting''. Next few weeks in Singapore for his eye problems ''millions wasted on 1 old man'', ordinary Zimbabweans have to put up with a messed up healthcare system '' keep saluting''. His party has looted millions of our money to enrich themselves '' keep saluting''.#idiot

Im beginning to feel sorry for you

You don't need to feel sorry for me.

Kubvira rinhi uchingoti anorwara Singapore he chino ne chino iwe uchafa uchimusiya mdhara iyeye Inga vamwe amai vaye vakadzimara ndivo vakazofira kujere asi maivata vanobuda chopaz Mugabe afa asi chii chakazoitika pedzisa wega

Read my post and take it in. Is it not the truth then?
Mavheti haasi bhoo full stop

Keep on singing but your song will never ever be a hit mfana wami.

Racist w@nker
Mavheti haasi bhoo full stop

Call me names but me tell you the truth every time mfana wami. You don't call for the sufferations of your own brethren and expect not been seen as ignorant coward person. Zimbabwe will always be Zimbabwe and its not for sale you ignorant moron.

Change your name then

Hahaha, Chitongai tione!

Horite thanks asi imi muchatongwa muchida musingade

saka unoti tichamira
Mavheti haasi bhoo full stop

Ignorance blackman's biggest disease.
Blarara Zonke

Kutyei??? Chitima chatosimuka imi muri muma courts a Munangagwa. Macourts eku SADC kuna deputy Chair Gushungo apa Mwonzora ari kukupai ma Million dollar invoices. Kupusa kwe zvituta.

pachivanhu chedu mudzimbahwe there is recognition of governance as progressive rule with the consent of the governed. zvekutonga nekubira ne coercion, self imposition zvakauya nemabwidi izvi. tongai makanyarara, no need to gloat before you have anything positive to show for that governance. Harare yazara nevanhu vanochera mvura murwizi, mvura yemutape kana ikabuda once a week inenge yakaisirirwa tusewerage mbijana. pa Harare international airport panomboshaikwa running water mumatoilets. pasi rose razara nevanhu vakatiza munyika. mozvirova madundundu muchiti takangwara tiri kutonga! Kusanyara. Tongai mabwidi muchibatsirwa neclique yetumazezuru tusina mainterests emazimbabwe at heart.

I hate the Zanu PF clan but this man I seriously admire a true strategist always 10 steps ahead in his thinking and never leaves things to chance.

You are just as sadly brain dead as the Chamisa's......if a person becomes a pick pocket so smooth that they can sweep through a crowd of people and empty their pockets like a breeze...and never get does not warrant any admiration.....when you are sick and forced to contend with the vagaries of parirenyatwa...i hope still have admiration for him...

Well any man will tell you, you can't please everyone;)

10 steps ahead is no water and no electricity...did I miss something?

Mugabe you old sack of pus one cares for your explanations....

You mean YOU dont care And who cares about YOUR opinion anyway? hahahahaha
Blarara Zonke

5 yrs to go, sweet heart.


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