
Sunday, September 01, 2013

Njeulu rules out quitting govt post
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 04 Aug. 2013, 14:00 CAT

SINJEMBELA UPND member of parliament Poniso Njeulu says he will not leave his deputy ministerial position like his Kalabo Central counterpart Chinga Miyutu because his relationship with the PF is bearing fruits.

Njeulu said in an interview from Mongu on Friday that following Miyutu's decision to resign as deputy minister for youth and sports, many people had bombarded him with questions as to whether that was his position as well.

"I am being asked a lot of questions and I want to give my position," Njeulu said.

"Following several requests from the media on my position as an opposition deputy minister of information and broadcasting services, I wish to state as follows; the people of Sinjembela Constituency are very happy and grateful to the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Michael Chilufya Sata for having appointed me in his government."
He said due to this mutual understanding, it would be unfair to drop his ministerial position because so far the relationship bearing developmental fruits.

"Since my appointment on 6th March, 2013, Shangombo has received a lot of attention from government," Njeulu said. "The Patriotic Front government will construct a tar road from Matebele to Shangombo Boma."

He said the Rivungu-Shangombo canal was already underway and that Shangombo district would be connected to the national grid as recently disclosed by President Sata.

"I am also committed to putting up two FM frequency modulation radio stations in Sioma and Shangombo districts respectively," he said. "As seen above, the PF government means well for the constituency."

Njeulu said in addition the government would construct 11 clinics in the constituency, which was the highest tally in Western Province.

"Shangombo Boma had no high school but the government will soon construct a high school while the construction of the district hospital has been completed," Njeulu said. "Concerning the hunger situation, government has committed itself to providing relief maize to affected areas in Sinjembela Constituency in the next few weeks."

On communication, Njeulu said Sinjembela Constituency currently had five towers providing mobile phone network to the people and that five more such towers would be installed soon in selected areas of the vast constituency.

"Government will upgrade two primary schools at Natukoma and Mutomena to secondary schools," he said. "The vulnerable children in Sinjembela are still receiving grants from social welfare to mitigate on their life's challenges, an offer that has been well-received by our electorate."

Njeulu said this was why he will stay put in his government position.
"I hope and trust that the Zambian people will accept my position and that of Sinjembela constituents on this matter," said Njeulu.

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