
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PF warns Moles
By Moses Kuwema
Sat 17 Aug. 2013, 14:01 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba has warned that the PF will continue taking action against any of its members who leak confidential information from the party to any unauthorised person.

Commenting on MMD vice-president for politics, Michael Kaingu's statement that the PF had planted a lot of moles in his party, Kabimba who is PF secretary general and justice minister, said there were no moles that PF had planted in any political party.

"For us, if anybody leaks confidential information from the party to any unauthorised person, that is an act of gross misconduct as far as our constitution is concerned and the party will take action accordingly and appropriately," he said.

Kabimba said the PF would like the MMD to die on its own without attributing its demise to the PF.

"Who are the moles? We don't know of any moles that the PF has planted in the MMD. That's not our policy. We would like the MMD to die on its on without attributing its demise to the PF," he said.

Kabimba said PF was of the belief that it was for the good of democracy to have an opposition movement in the country.

He however, said the movement could only be promoted by the leadership in the MMD and the leadership in the UPND.

"It is not our role as PF to mobilise and recruit membership for the MMD or the UPND. Our job is to mobilise and recruit members for our party," he said.

Asked on MMD president Nevers Mumba's statement that the PF members had started telling lies against themselves and that this was what was going to destroy the party, Kabimba wondered why Mumba was concerned about the "perceived destruction" of the PF.

"Why is Mumba concerned about the destruction of PF and not that of his political party? If PF destroys itself, of what business is it to him? I would have thought that he has a lot of problems inside the MMD for rejecting his leadership and his style of leadership. He should be addressing those issues instead of lamenting about the perceived destruction of the PF, which is just a figment of his own imagination," said Kabimba.

Commenting on the dismissal of Dr Effron Lungu as foreign affairs minister for allegedly leaking information to the MMD, Kaingu likened the action to the song 'Chiwamina galu kuluma mbuzi' by Zambian artiste Bob Mabege.

Kaingu said it was the PF that had flooded MMD with moles.

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