
Thursday, September 05, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Defining moment for President, country
Saturday, 03 August 2013 23:14

History will record that after more than a decade of a sustained assault by western powers that sought to depose him, President Robert Gabriel Mugabe remained on his feet to deliver a crushing defeat to the western lackeys by clinching over 61 percent of the vote in the Presidential contest to MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai’s 33.09 percent.

With Zanu-PF, the party he leads garnering well over 76 percent of the National Assembly seats, this stunning victory outstripped the 1980 performance that saw Zanu-PF garner 57 of the 80 black roll seats translating to 71 percent of the house.

This is a defining moment in not only our country’s history but President Mugabe’s career and legacy.

As with the 1980 plebiscite that secured our political independence, the latest overwhelming endorsement secures our economic independence by giving President Mugabe and Zanu-PF an overwhelming mandate to secure the last mile, even if it means amending the Constitution, the people have given them all the power.

But this election was not just about choosing a President and members of the Eighth Parliament; it was a referendum on President Mugabe’s leadership and his quest to move our independence from the political to the economic dimension.

And the result was affirmative.

Henceforth let friend and foe alike know where the people of Zimbabwe stand. They have resolved that a crown alone without the crown jewels is meaningless. We hope the westerners who have been trying to block our march to holistic independence will honour their pledge to listen to the will of the people where their sanctions regime is concerned.

Zimbabweans have emphatically rejected the ruinous sanctions regime.

Not only that, they have rejected western meddling in their internal affairs whether directly by way of unwarranted sanctions or by proxy behind the MDC-T that today occupies the space Bishop Muzorewa occupied after the 1980 plebiscite.

We hope the MDC-T leaders will appreciate the people’s verdict; Zimbabweans have rejected transient gratification. They want to control their country and economy even if it means incurring the wrath of the erstwhile coloniser.

In imposing their sanctions regime, westerners said they wanted to separate Zimbabweans from President Mugabe and Zanu-PF by making the economy scream, as was stated by Chester Crocker the then US assistant secretary of State for African affairs; with his British counterpart Robin Cook bragging that what would hit Zimbabwe would get people to stone Zanu-PF leaders in the streets.

Well as the harmonised elections have shown, Zimbabweans are solidly behind President Mugabe and Zanu-PF and the person they have stoned is Mr Tsvangirai who has sunk to a crushing defeat that has effectively consigned him to the dustbins of history to join the likes of Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, Chief Jeremiah Chirau and Bishop Abel Muzorewa, men who also tried to sell our birthright before him.

The sanctions have failed to achieve their intended objective apart from costing our country upwards of US$42 billion in lost revenue; and immeasurable losses in livelihoods and development.

The embargo has to go. It has dismally failed to achieve its intended objective. It has been busted along with those whose cause it was designed to abet.

President Mugabe stands vindicated, he has secured the revolution, strengthened his party’s hand as the western Trojan horse that was built to depose him lies shattered.

He has ensured that he leaves Office, if he so wishes, on his own terms. He has given us a blank cheque, that we must cash responsibly henceforth.

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