
Sunday, September 01, 2013

(TALKZIMBABWE) Mugabe, the outright winner!

ZANU PF Presidential candidate for the 2013 harmonised elections, Robert Gabriel Mugabe emerged the outright winner in the presidential elections, garnering a whopping 61.09 percent of the total votes cast.

The presidential contestants were included current President Mugabe representing ZANU PF, outgoing Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai representing MDC-T, Welshman Ncube representing MDC, Dumiso Dabengwa standing for ZAPU and Kisinoti Mukwazhe representing ZDP.

Addressing a press gathering at a local hotel in Harare last week Friday, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) chairperson, Retired Justice Rita Makarau said President Mugabe polled in excess of two million votes against MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai who polled just above a million.

Tsvangirai was followed by MDC president, Welshman Ncube who polled 92,637 votes, representing a mere 2.68 percent of the total votes cast.

“Now, I, Rita Makarau, Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, acting in terms of section 110(3)(f)(ii), do hereby declare that Mugabe, Robert Gabriel of ZANU PF party has received more than half the number of votes cast in the Presidential election,” she said.

“Mugabe, Robert Gabriel of ZANU PF party is therefore declared duly elected President of the Republic of Zimbabwe with effect from the 3rd of August, 2013.”

Justice Makarau said President Mugabe garnered 2,110,434 votes representing 61.09 percent of the total votes cast.

Tsvangirai polled 1,172,349, representing 33.69 percent of the total votes cast; and Ncube managed to get 92,637 votes which represents 2.68 percent of the total votes cast.

abengwa polled 25,416 representing 0.74 percent of the votes cast, while Mukwazhe polled 9,931 votes which represented 0.29 percent.

Justice Makarau said the electoral body was pleased with the conduct of the people of Zimbabwe for upholding peace and tranquility that prevailed in the run-up time to the election, saying they have demonstrated that election activities can be done peacefully.

She said her commission was humbled by the way both foreign and local observers conducted themselves during these elections.

“We have come to the end of our country’s 2013 General Elections and we are now ready to inform you of the outcome of the Presidential elections,” she said.

“Before I do that, however, allow me, on behalf of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, and indeed on my own behalf, to thank you, the people of Zimbabwe, for the peace and tranquility that prevailed throughout the country during this period.

“The people of Zimbabwe have demonstrated that electioneering activities can take place in a peaceful environment.

“The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission would also like to thank the various observers both local and foreign who accepted our invitation to come and observe these elections.

“I believe you were able to see for yourselves the electoral processes as they unfolded and we hope you will, in due course, afford us with your assessment of the elections,” she said.

Meanwhile, ZANU PF has managed to garner a total of 160 out of the 210 lower house of assembly seats, representing 76.1 percent while MDC-T got only 49 seats and one seat being taken by an independent candidate.

Zanu-PF Legal Affairs Secretary, Emmerson Mnangagwa, appended his signature of behalf of ZANU PF in accepting the results while other political parties did not append their signatures.

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