
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

(HERALD ZW) President’s tough stance against rapists hailed
September 20, 2013
Herald Reporter —

Women and child rights groups have solidly endorsed President Mugabe’s tough stance against rapists, saying it was a significant step in the fight against the vice. Co-ordinator of Katswe Sistahood, Talent Jumo said the call by the President for stiffer penalties against rapists highlighted the urgent need for the formulation of clear national strategies that would help deal with the crimes which were rampant in the country.

“Cases of sexual abuse should not be tolerated and the punishment must be severe,” she said. “We support and applaud our President for calling for stiffer penalties to stop the abuse children and women.”

“We are very happy to be receiving attention at such a high level and we are glad that the President raised concern over the rape issue. At least we know we have someone who recognises the pain we as women have been going through.”

She said Zimbabweans should rally behind the President and support moves to enact laws that see rapists being castrated.

President Mugabe early this week underscored the need to impose stiffer penalties like castration to stem rising cases of rape in the country.
Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children director, Mr Taylor Nyanhete hailed the President for sparking debate on rape and for showing his grave concern over the crimes.

“We support the President and we believe that when he called for such an action to be taken, he was raising a point that enough is enough. Rape cases are on the rise and the President has a point,” he said.

“Since these perpetrators take delight in destroying the future of these young women and children, a harsh punishment like castration is the only way to deliver a message that will get through to them. All other means have failed to end the crimes.”

Other organisations said castration was the way to go but said that efforts needed to be made to educate and raise public awareness.

“Though punishment is the right way to go, we also need to protect the welfare of our children by educating the public on the importance of valuing our children and respecting their rights,” a child rights activist said.

The President warned the public that harsher sentences would be imposed on rapists as the Government intensified efforts to combat the crime.

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