
Monday, October 07, 2013

Kaseba doing a great job in health sector, says Chikusu
By Fridah Nkonde and Abigail Chaponda
Wed 11 Sep. 2013, 14:01 CAT

HEALTH deputy minister Dr Patrick Chikusu says first lady Dr Christine Kaseba is doing a tremendous job in the health sector.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Chikusu said despite Dr Kaseba occupying the busy office of first lady, she still managed to find time to exercise her profession.

Dr Kaseba on Monday afternoon operated on two patients at Mkushi district hospital.

Dr Kaseba, who was in the company of Central Province permanent secretary Edwidge Mutale, Central Province PF chairperson Benson Chali, newly-elected Mkushi North member of parliament Ingrid Mphande, Mkushi district commissioner Christopher Muswalo Chibuye and other senior government officials, arrived just after 14:00 hours and put on a theatre gown before proceeding to operate on her first patient.

She said she was hopeful that the Zambian people would be able to access medical facilities without difficulties.

Dr Kaseba said she would continue lobbying the government with a view to ensuring that the health sector is given the much-needed attention.
"As a ministry, we are humbled by the first lady's good works. She has done so much on the cervical cancer awareness campaign, and indeed, she needs to be commended," Dr Chikusu said.

He said it was evident that Dr Kaseba's works in the health sector were remarkable.

He said Dr Kaseba was dedicated to her work.
Dr Chikusu said Dr Kaseba had shown a good example in the fight against cervical cancer in the country.

"She has been dedicated, and all we can say is that she needs to be commended by Zambians. As a ministry, we commend her good works. She should indeed be emulated by many Zambians," said Dr Chikusu.

And PF Ndola district women chairperson, Alice Kafula, said Dr Kaseba had exhibited servant leadership that should be emulated by all Zambian women.

"These are qualities that we want our leaders to have. They should be servant leaders because they serve us who put them in power. Dr Kaseba is a role model for all women not only in Zambia but the African continent and the world over. She is unique and Zambia is blessed to have her for a first lady," she said.

She said Zambian women, like Dr Kaseba, must take up an active role in fostering development in the nation.

"I am touched by the first lady, she is a role model. She is a mentor to all women. Operating on the two women is selflessness, it shows that she is ready to work for the country. Other first ladies just talk about the dangers of cancer, but with her, she even went as far as operating on cancer patients. That is what you call a mother because she feels the pain of other people," she said.

Kafula said doctors have been motivated by Dr Kaseba's works.

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