
Friday, October 25, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC suffers blow as top official quits
01/10/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE MDC led by Welshman Ncube suffered a blow this week after its director of policy and research, Qhubani Moyo, announced he was “retreating from politics”.

Moyo suffered a heavy defeat to Zanu PF in Insiza North constituency in the July 31 parliamentary elections, as did all the party’s other candidates.

The party managed just one seat in the National Assembly and another seat in the Senate which were won through proportional representation.

Moyo said: “At the moment, I’m retreating from politics. I’m open to any possibility given that my people in Matabeleland South voted for Zanu PF in all the 13 constituencies.
“No-one should be shocked by any move after what the people of Matabeleland South did.”
Moyo said he had spoken “at length” with Ncube before resigning his position.

“Subsequently, on Sunday I wrote a letter of resignation to the party secretary-general Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga indicating that I was leaving the party. I want to focus on academia and contribute to the development of the country in a different capacity,” Moyo said.

The former university student activist said he thanked Ncube for allowing him to engage in political discussions, especially during the constitution-making process.

“I thanked him for his great team work, his high work rate and the rest of the Green Team that worked tirelessly for devolution of power. I’m one of the people, being a political scientist by training and politician by practice, who have found it hard to understand the voting preferences of the people, particularly in the Matabeleland region,” he added.

Moyo, a close friend of the Information Minister Jonathan Moyo, is said to be weighing the possibility of joining a newly formed National Constitutional Assembly party party led by Lovemore Madhuku, but sources suggest he is eyeing a government job which would move him closer to joining Zanu PF.

MDC spokesman Nhlanhla Dube said: “The MDC takes this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Moyo for the committed and sterling contribution to the party’s national agenda in the various capacities and roles in which he was deployed.

“It is indeed sad to see our esteemed comrade disembark from the devolution train, the party will sincerely miss his contribution. We, however, wish him well in his chosen path and future endeavours.”

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