
Friday, October 18, 2013

Panji asks Zambians to judge PF's performance in 2016
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Wed 25 Sep. 2013, 14:01 CAT

TRANSPORT deputy minister Colonel Panji Kaunda says the PF wants Zambians to own Zambia. And Col Panji says senior police officers should once in a while be on police checkpoints to give encouragement to junior traffic officers.

Asked to comment on the PF's performance in the last two years, Col Panji said the PF government would go ahead with various empowerment programmes across the country.

"We want Zambians to own this country. When we say tourism is booming, it is booming for who? We are building roads and we must add value to the roads by putting transport there so that people can move comfortably and safely from point A to point B. So don't judge us now, see what we can do in the next two years then you can judge us in 2016," Col Panji said.

He said he was confident that with policies that had been put in place, the people of Zambia would see a difference in both employment and service delivery as promised to them in the manifesto.

Col Panji said it was difficult for a person to give an assessment of his own government.

He said the PF had used the past two years in government to plan and throw away certain things that were not good.

"I have never been a government minister in my life so this is my second year as minister in government so I have time to learn. Everybody must learn; there is nobody who is born a minister, who is born a general. So the country must be patient with us. There will be a bit of changes in the next two years, what we have planned now will be going into implementation," Col Panji said.

And on the five traffic police officers who were arrested for corruption last week, Col Panji said senior police officers should sometimes be on the road to give examples to the young ones.
He said when junior officers could do anything when left on their own all the time.

"I have seen so many things on the road blocks where senior government officers want to use their weight to bulldoze their way through the road block..." said Col Panji.

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