
Friday, October 25, 2013

PF's confusion must be ended - Nawakwi
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Mon 30 Sep. 2013, 14:01 CAT

EDITH Nawakwi says the PF should not allow anybody within their party to advance a tribal agenda or gain political mileage using a tribe. And Hakainde Hichilema says he expects that the Anti Corruption Commission to move in to investigate and prosecute the corrupt elements in government.

Speaking in Kitwe after she attended Mass for the presentation of Seminarian Fund at St John's Convent on Saturday, Nawakwi, who is the president of the Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD), said Zambians must condemn with contempt anybody attempting to use a tribe as a political strength, adding that the squabbles in the PF and allegations of tribal politics were extremely unfortunate as they were directly affecting the governance of the nation.

She said the world had advanced to another level whereby no human being should be viewed as greater than the other on the basis of tribe or race.

"We look at the drama in our sister party the PF, and I say sister party in the context that governments on earth are governments that are provided for in the Bible. That confusion in the ruling party must be brought to an end because a house divided cannot stand. The character of the ruling party gives the face of government. This now shows us that there is no cohesion, there is no leadership in the PF," she said.

Nawakwi said in party politics, calls for resignation of a secretary general like the PF members that were calling for the resignation of Wynter Kabimba signalled the end of such a political party.

"Some of us belong to a tribe with less than hundred thousand people and we are still proud to be Zambians. I just came from Western Province; the people welcomed me as their own. They never called me names, they called me musali Nawakwi. That's a Zambia we want, a united Zambia," she said.

Nawakwi said the people from outside were looking at Zambia as a country destroying itself because the leaders in the PF were fighting. She said the infighting in the PF was unfortunately spilling over to the streets and property was being destroyed while everybody was watching.

"It's like a home, when you walk in a house where parents are fighting, you will see the misery on the face of children and this is what is happening in Zambia," she said.

Nawakwi said name-calling in the PF was extremely embarrassing for the nation, hence the need for President Michael Sata to show leadership and stop the squabbles.

And Hichilema said the PF had no agenda for Zambia other than sharing positions.

"PF went into office not to work for the suffering masses but to dubiously obtain money from the poor Zambians by corruptly awarding themselves tenders. The PF formed government to put more money in their pockets corruptly as confirmed by both Vice-President Guy Scot and secretary general Wynter Kabimba that there are corrupt elements within their ranks. Corruption is a cancer and we need to fight it and not harbour it as the case is with the PF government," said Hichilema, who is UPND leader.

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