
Friday, October 25, 2013

Sata will rid PF of officials causing confusion - Puta
By Godfrey Chikumbi in Kawambwa
Tue 01 Oct. 2013, 14:01 CAT

SENIOR Chief Puta of the Bwile people of Chienge district has warned that President Michael Sata will rid the Patriotic Front of senior party officials causing confusion regardless of the numbers. And chief Puta says the wrangles in PF will make some senior party officials lose the respect they command among Zambians.

Chief Puta said on Saturday that senior party officials and ministers involved in promoting violence against each other risked losing the respect that they were given by the people, who were looking up to them for leadership.
He said it was sad that leaders in the PF, who were supposed to show maturity, were disparaging each other in public.

The traditional leader accused some PF leaders of fighting each other over succeeding President Sata when the head of state was still entitled to another term of office.
Chief Puta accused some ministers in the PF of lacking respect for President Sata, the party president .
He said the leaders were using flimsy excuses over which to fight when, in fact, they were interested in taking over from President Sata.
"All of those fighting are just fighting over the presidency. Those people fighting for positions in PF are lying to themselves and wasting time; they should respect Michael Chilufya Sata as President today. President Sata is only two years in office and he can go up to the second term; and we never know who will survive after 10 years. It will be another political party.
The people in PF should stop pointing fingers at each other. This fighting has caused divisions, where people have created structures within the PF," chief Puta said. "I want to advise the people who want to become presidents of this country that it is not advisable. We have one President at a time. You never know in this country where a president will come from. Nobody knew where Dr. Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Banda came from. They came from nowhere, so we don't know where the next president will come from."

Chief Puta, however, said he was hopeful that the wrangles that had rocked the ruling Patriotic Front would soon come to an end.
He said it was normal for a political party of the PF's magnitude to experience misunderstandings.

And Chief Puta said President Sata as a seasoned politician was monitoring the happenings and would soon sort out those causing confusion in the party.

He said PF was bigger than individuals who were fighting, adding that President Sata would chase them for the party to continue working.
"President Sata is seeing them, he is monitoring them; those guys fighting are junior politicians; he will soon sort them out. You remember when Chiluba was president, he chased a lot of ministers and members of parliament from the MMD. Over 20 members were chased, yet the party (MMD) went ahead. The President will decide as the only man," said chief Puta.

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