
Monday, October 07, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Bennett challenges MDC-T leadership to resign
Sunday, 08 September 2013 00:00
Sunday Mail Reporters

Internal fighting in the MDC-T has escalated with its treasurer, Mr Roy Bennett, challenging the party leadership to resign for causing the political outfit’s electoral defeat by focusing on lavish lifestyles instead of being in touch with the electorate. He said some leaders imposed candidates to fulfil “selfish agendas” after tasting the “comfortable life of Government money and power”.

In a damning post on his facebook blog on Friday, Mr Bennett attacked MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, saying the party suffered a leadership vacuum and added that Zanu-PF could not be blamed for the poll defeat.

He also blasted his colleagues for their penchant for a fancy lifestyle after they got into the inclusive Government.

MDC-T spokesman Mr Douglas Mwonzora and organising secretary Mr Nelson Chamisa could not be reached for comment yesterday.

Mr Bennett’s criticism comes after a well-known Zanu-PF critic, Professor Eldred Masunugure, who is the executive director of the Mass Public Opinion Institute, attributed the MDC-T’s defeat to complacency and a “penchant for jet-set lifestyles”.

“I watch from exile in the Diaspora and pray that all our leaders elected at congress take a good hard look in the mirror.

“Those who have been involved in self-centred politics, who have discredited the values of our party, and who made decisions which have denied people the right of a transparent and free election, should do the honourable thing and tender their resignations.

“It is time for a united, accountable, cohesive, value-based, trusted leadership to finish our noble struggle.

“. . . Having just been denied a fair and transparent vote with an election blatantly rigged, can we, as a party, lay the blame totally at the feet of Zanu-PF? I am not implying that the election was anything but a grand theft.

“However, our party could have gone into the election in a much stronger position — in terms of organisation, structural integrity and ground level participation.

“In my humble opinion, being exiled, but still in day-to-day contact with Zimbabwean grassroots activists, I am of the view that our party needs some serious introspection.”

Bennett has been in self-imposed exile in South Africa for several years.

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