
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Editorial Comment: Silence please, Team Zanu-PF is at work!
Sunday, 15 September 2013 08:57

After about four years, when MDC puppets got the rare opportunity to mix with revolutionaries in Zanu-PF but messed the opportunity to grow politically, Zimbabwe is once again back on its ideological feet with Team Zanu-PF already delivering on its election promises contained in the party’s manifesto.

And Zimbabweans are loving every bit of it with indications that the country is poised for unprecedented economic growth in the medium to long-term as Team Zanu-PF rolls out people-oriented policies and programmes that won it the mandate to govern Zimbabwe for the next five years.

Just last Wednesday, President Mugabe set up a formidable Cabinet team comprising ministers with vast experience in implementing Government policies and the so-called Young Turks who will bring with them lots of energy to even things. Zimbabweans are ready for the ride and Team Zanu-PF seems equal to the task.

While Team Zanu-PF is oiling its machine for economic take-off, the puppets were celebrating their defeat in Mutare yesterday in a move that the Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Professor Moyo said makes them right candidates for Ingutsheni Mental Hospital in Bulawayo. How does one celebrate defeat? This is a first but this coming from the MDC-T is not a surprise because their being puppets is descriptive enough of what to expect from them.

The MDC-T secretary general, the beleaguered Tendai Biti who still doesn’t know what exactly hit his party said the crushing defeat to Zanu-PF had reduced them to “zombies.” Well, is there much difference between a zombie and a puppet? Don’t they belong to the same category? Anyway, we won’t waste our precious time dwelling too much on bankrupt losers as there is so much that Team Zanu-PF has to offer and is already delivering to the people.

As Team Zanu-PF gets into motion, one of the first casualties has been the European Union which has been ripped apart by developments in Zimbabwe with Belgium coming out into the open saying the illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation should be lifted.

Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hendrik van de Velde said the EU had agreed that they would lift the sanctions if Sadc and the AU declare the July 31 elections as free and fair.

Sadc and the AU went on to declare the elections as free and fair after President Mugabe garnered over 61 percent of the presidential vote while Zanu-PF got an overwhelming two-thirds majority in Parliament.

After this crushing victory, Belgium which is home to Antwerp, the world’s leading diamond trading hub is demanding that the EU sticks to its agreement to lift the sanctions but other countries led by Britain are refusing to do as agreed. Well, Britain and its allies can continue dreaming but what is obvious is that its a matter of time before they are left alone to lick their regime change wounds.

While the US continues to fight Britain’s fight, Sadc and Africa have taken a position to defend Zimbabwe and with the whole continent supporting us, we really don’t care a hoot what Obama and his handlers think. Zimbabweans will determine their destiny and Africa will be there to lean on.

What is really making efforts by Britain and America futile is the fact that the country’s diamonds are projected to dominate the global market in the next five years with reports that production from other players is dwindling fast.

It is estimated that Zimbabwe will earn about US$700 million from the sale of the precious stone with a record 17 million carats set to be produced from Marange.

These statistics were released in a report by Companies Diamond Industry Series last month who went on to project that Zimbabwe will satisfy about 30 percent of the global market by 2015.

Well, President Obama and Prime Minister David Cameroon can continue playing politics but soon businesspeople from their country will realise that they are being used in a game that they will never win. When politics clash with business, we want to see who will remain with lots of egg on the face because we know who calls the shots in these two countries.

Already, Hilton Worldwide, the leading American hotel group has taken the lead and is planning to build an upmarket hotel and business complex in Harare. This is despite the illegal sanctions and despite all the anti-Zimbabwe propaganda in the Western media. Last week, a leading British newspaper, the Financial Times gave Mr Cameron some piece of advice saying it was time for the UK to engage President Mugabe as the regime change plot agenda continues to go off-rail.

While the country’s diamonds are becoming a global game changer, the country’s tourism sector is on the rebound with reports from the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority saying the country recorded a 12 percent increase in tourist arrivals in the first half of the year, registering 859 995 visitors compared to 767 393 during the same time last year. Tourists are finding Zimbabwe irresistible despite all the travel warnings that are meant to scare them away from the country. Just as they were instructed by President Mugabe, Cabinet ministers drawn from Team Zanu-PF, have hit the ground running with the Minister of Industry and Commerce Cde Mike Bimha saying his ministry’s top priority would be to mobilise funds to revive the country’s distressed industries.

The Minister of Finance, Cde Patrick Chinamasa has already outlined Government’s preoccupation for the next five years which is spurring economic growth and increasing indigenous participation in the mainstream economy.

On the other hand, the Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Professor Jonathan Moyo has promised the country new radio and television stations, a move that is set to be welcomed by many Zimbabweans.

In a welcome development, farmers have hailed the re-appointment of Dr Joseph Made to the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation saying this would ensure continuity in the ministry. Already Dr Made has met officials from the World Bank to map the way forward for the country’s agricultural sector.

The Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Cde Walter Chidhakwa said there is need to promote value addition to the country’s minerals adding that there is need to create employment opportunities and increase foreign exchange inflows to feed into the balance of payment support.

Without wasting time, the Minister of Environment, Water and Climate Cde Saviour Kasukuwere has declared war on poachers while the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Cde Nicholas Goche has become a darling of civil servants as he has said Government will prioritise their welfare and conditions of service. Cde Goche said his ministry would soon implement strategies in line with the Zanu-PF manifesto to cushion the government workers.

On the other hand, Team Zanu-PF has kept its promise by making sure that water and electricity bills dating back to 2009 are scrapped while residents who were on the verge of losing their houses due to debts have also been rescued.

Regarding the drought issue, Government has already started importing grain from Zambia to feed people in drought-hit areas with reports that about 3 000 metric tonnes have already been delivered. More grain is on the way. Well, Team Zanu-PF is clearly showing why it won the elections and as the team rolls out its policies and programmes, it is important for Zimbabweans, especially civil servants not to make unrealistic demands that will upset the economy.

Team Zanu-PF has shown that it is ready to work for the people and with the people and its now up to Zimbabweans to remember the words by former US president John F Kennedy that “ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) New irrigation technology draws attention at agricultural show
Sunday, 01 September 2013 04:35
Emilia Zindi

A new irrigation system that allows farmers to use less labour as well as affordable equipment proved popular at the Harare Agricultural Show. Farmers who thronged the Zeriv Rain Systems stand expressed their interest in the cost-saving initiative.

Theft of irrigation equipment on the farms, especially aluminium pipes, sprinklers and taps, is a serious problem facing farmers.

The aluminium pipes have been commonly used in making aluminium kitchen utensils. The new technology that uses “spray guns” is so efficient that the guns vary in the radius they cover per minute.

The aluminium pipes have been commonly used in making aluminium kitchen utensils.

Explaining how this system works the company’s chief executive, Mr Lovejoy Gumbochuma, said the 100-metre radius guns can irrigate four hectares per hour compared to the current system where more than 60 pipes and 52 sprinklers are required.

“In 48 hours one would have covered 50 hectares,’’ said Mr Gumbochuma.
He said the new system also required less manpower with only one person needed to move the “gun” from one point to the other unlike the use of pipes where more than three people are required to carry the pipes.

Farmers interviewed yesterday appreciated the new system, saying this would save money as well as reduce electricity bills as more ground would be covered in a short time.

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